Thing / command / update - not triggering binding govee

Hi, i want to combine zigbee switch via mqtt with sending a command to an color item of the govee binding to turn on led strip.


  • color item from UI ON/OFF is turning on / off the led strip via the bindind. it’s also updating the status right when i turn off the led strip from the govee app.

then i add an switch item to a zigbee channel - updating OK.

The same switch item i added to govee thing channel color. When i turn it on or of via GUI it works both ways 1/ Zigbee is ON 2/ Govee is ON but when i want to use physical zigbee switch the item is not receiving command ON but only changes to ON - the goovee binding is not turning ON the led switch.

Probably i can do it by rules if the zibee item changed send command to the govee but maybe there is easier way to do this ?

Thing_1 - zigbee switch with 1 channel, 1_item
Thing_2 - govee thing with one color channel, with to items linked 1_item, and color_item for setting the color.

goovee color channel can acceppt ON/OFF commands.

This is what the follow profile was made for. Link the Color channel to the Item with the follow profile using the switch Channel. Updates from the switch will become commands to the color.

However, it’s only one way meaning updates from the Color channel will not become commands to the switch. I’m also not certain that Color updates would be correctly converted to ON/OFF anyway so even if the follow profile were two way it still might not work.

If you need a two way sync you’ll need a rule and you’ll need to be careful not to create an infinite loop.