But beware that floating point numbers are almost never exactly 0 and that 0.0 mm/h is likely rounded. The Item’s state could be 0.04321 mm/h which is not 0 but it works appear in the UI as 0. mm/h.
If this is in fact the case, you might need to use a rule inline script condition to test if the previous state is less than 0.5 mm/h or something like that.
And this is why I’m really anti-chatbots for OH Rules generation. I’ve yet to see code generated by a chatbot, even which a really good promptly that wasn’t subtly wrong in ways you’d have to basically be an expert in OH rules to discover and fix. Which a poor prompt the code generated is often almost meaningless.
It’s an anti-tool, ultimately waisting more time than if you’d just coded the rule yourself.
They are getting better but still a long way from usable for OH rules.