Thread for discussing money saved with OpenHAB

Energy bill for November just came, total savings in energy cost this year so far 334,3 €

Spot April May June July August September October November
consumption [kWh] 854 613,06 498,31 436,65 515,12 677,3 1259,5 1584,64
basic fee [€/mth] 4,35 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9
price [c/kWh] 5,7305 3,2804 4,6364 4,1087 8,2108 2,5401 3,0403 4,3297
margin [c/kWh] 0,22 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25
Total 55,17 € 26,54 € 29,25 € 23,93 € 48,48 € 23,80 € 46,34 € 77,47 €
Average spot price 6,661 3,3 5,372 4,085 8,23 4,07 4,66 5,66
Savings [c/kWh] 0,9305 0,0196 0,7356 -0,0237 0,0192 1,5299 1,6197 1,3303
Savings [%] 14 % 1 % 14 % -1 % 0 % 38 % 35 % 24 %
Savings [€] 7,9 € 0,1 € 3,7 € -0,1 € 0,1 € 10,4 € 20,4 € 21,1 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5
price [c/kWh] 13,18 13,18 9,82 9,82 9,82 8,79 8,79 8,79
Total 115,06 € 83,30 € 51,43 € 45,38 € 53,08 € 62,03 € 113,21 € 141,79 €
Savings [%] 52 % 68 % 43 % 47 % 9 % 62 % 59 % 45 %
Savings [€] 59,9 € 56,8 € 22,2 € 21,4 € 4,6 € 38,2 € 66,9 € 64,3 €

In our household the ground source heat pump, electric car charging, dishwasher and washing machine are spot price optimized with OpenHAB and the solution developed by @masipila Control a water heater and ground source heat pump based on cheap hours of spot priced electricity - #13 by masipila

For those new to the thread, the table above compares our energy bill to spot average energy price and below that to the local energy company energy price, which currently would be 8,79c/kWh. I use this price as reference for calculating the savings, as we used to buy energy from them before changing to spot price. Markus’ code is quite effective as we have been able to keep energy cost below average spot price for every month except July, when we used the least amount of energy of the whole year. I am honestly quite impressed by the performance of the solution.