Thread for discussing money saved with OpenHAB

@masipila, you saving any money anymore?

Yeah. I don’t have time to calculate the exact price diffs like above, but here are the stats from this June onwards.

June 2023

  • Consumption: 636 kWh
  • Spot market avg: 5,37 c/kWh
  • Our actual avg: 4,65 c/kWh
  • Consumption factor: -0,72 c/kWh (-13%)
  • We paid with Välkky 14,8 - 0,72 = 14,08 c/kWh

July 2023

  • Consumption: 596 kWh
  • Spot market avg: 4,08 c/kWh
  • Our actual avg: 2,86 c/kWh
  • Consumption factor: -1,22 c/kWh (-30%)
  • We paid with Välkky 14,8 - 1,22 = 13,58 c/kWh

August 2023

  • Consumption: 704 kWh
  • Spot market avg: 8,23 c/kWh
  • Our actual avg: 5,06 c/kWh
  • Consumption factor: -3,16 c/kWh (-30%)
  • We paid with Välkky 8,88 - 3,16 = 5,72 c/kWh
  • We had 12 months left of the 14,8 c/kWh Välkky but Väre introduced a new 12 month agreement and was selling it with 8.88 c/kWh. We were able to change our previous agreement to this new price, which was nice :slight_smile:

Sep 2023

  • Consumption: 672 kWh
  • Spot market avg: 4,08 c/kWh
  • Our actual avg: 2,27 c/kWh
  • Consumption factor: -1,81 c/kWh (-44%)
  • We paid with Välkky 8,88 - 1,81 = 7,07 c/kWh

October 2023 so far

  • Consumption so far 1004 kWh
  • Market price avg so far is 3,54 c/kWh
  • Our avg so far is 1,41 c/kWh
  • Consumption factor being -2,13 c/kWh at the moment (-60%, all time record in percentage values)


Very interesting statistics. I have been interested in the Välkky contract, too. Will stay with spot price for now, though.

I will change back to a spot price contract for sure next summer when the remaining fixed period contract ends for us.

Not that there would be anything wrong with these consumption factor agreements (Väre Välkky, Helen Fiksusähkö, Fortum Duo and others). I honestly believe that this is the future because it’s a shared-risk model between the seller and the buyer which raises the awareness of the consumers. And this awareness we will most definitely need as more and more of the energy production is dependent on weather conditions. And what I consider even more important, the awareness is good for the environment and the future of our planet. If you’re a subscriber to Helsingin Sanomat, you can read more about my thoughts at (it’s from last year August).

Having said this, a pure spot price agreement is going to beat these consumption factor agreements by a big margin if you are able to schedule your consumption like we can. With a spot price contract, our October would be only 1,41 c/kWh so far and September would have been 2,27 c/kWh. You just can’t get these kind of price levels with any kind of fixed or semi-fixed agreement.

If we look at what are the prices in the futuurimarkkina (whatever that is in English) for the next 12 months, the weighted average price is currently being traded at 7.62 c/kWh. Weighted average is calculated so that 65% of the annual energy consumption takes place in the heating season and 35% during the summer.

Väre sells 12 month Välkky at 9.70 c/kWh +/- consumption factor at the moment, Helen is at 9.90 c/kWh. So their margin (in the base price) is a bit more than 2.0 c/kWh with these agreement types.

Based on the past experience and the data shown above, our household can be quite confident that we can beat the average spot price by 30%. So for us the next 12 months should be something like 5,33 c/kWh. This would mean that our consumption factor would be around 7.62 - 5.33 = -2.29 c/kWh.

We would need to get -4.0 c/kWh consumption factor to get even with a pure spot price agreement but with the estimation above, we can reach -2.29 c/kWh. So for our household, a pure spot price contract will be cheaper unless the current mess in the World evolves to WW III and the prices go crazy again.


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Energy bill for October just came:

Spot April May June July August September October
consumption [kWh] 854 613,06 498,31 436,65 515,12 677,3 1259,5
basic fee [€/mth] 4,35 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9
price [c/kWh] 5,7305 3,2804 4,6364 4,1087 8,2108 2,5401 3,0403
margin [c/kWh] 0,22 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25
Total 55,17 € 26,54 € 29,25 € 23,93 € 48,48 € 23,80 € 46,34 €
Average spot price 6,661 3,3 5,372 4,085 8,23 4,07 4,66
Savings [c/kWh] 0,9305 0,0196 0,7356 -0,0237 0,0192 1,5299 1,6197
Savings [%] 14 % 1 % 14 % -1 % 0 % 38 % 35 %
Savings [€] 7,9 € 0,1 € 3,7 € -0,1 € 0,1 € 10,4 € 20,4 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5
price [c/kWh] 13,18 13,18 9,82 9,82 9,82 8,79 8,79
Total 115,06 € 83,30 € 51,43 € 45,38 € 53,08 € 62,03 € 113,21 €
Savings [%] 52 % 68 % 43 % 47 % 9 % 62 % 59 %
Savings [€] 59,9 € 56,8 € 22,2 € 21,4 € 4,6 € 38,2 € 66,9 €

35% below spot average price. Total savings against local electric company 270 € since beginning of April when I took the system in use.


Energy bill for November just came, total savings in energy cost this year so far 334,3 €

Spot April May June July August September October November
consumption [kWh] 854 613,06 498,31 436,65 515,12 677,3 1259,5 1584,64
basic fee [€/mth] 4,35 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9
price [c/kWh] 5,7305 3,2804 4,6364 4,1087 8,2108 2,5401 3,0403 4,3297
margin [c/kWh] 0,22 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25
Total 55,17 € 26,54 € 29,25 € 23,93 € 48,48 € 23,80 € 46,34 € 77,47 €
Average spot price 6,661 3,3 5,372 4,085 8,23 4,07 4,66 5,66
Savings [c/kWh] 0,9305 0,0196 0,7356 -0,0237 0,0192 1,5299 1,6197 1,3303
Savings [%] 14 % 1 % 14 % -1 % 0 % 38 % 35 % 24 %
Savings [€] 7,9 € 0,1 € 3,7 € -0,1 € 0,1 € 10,4 € 20,4 € 21,1 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5
price [c/kWh] 13,18 13,18 9,82 9,82 9,82 8,79 8,79 8,79
Total 115,06 € 83,30 € 51,43 € 45,38 € 53,08 € 62,03 € 113,21 € 141,79 €
Savings [%] 52 % 68 % 43 % 47 % 9 % 62 % 59 % 45 %
Savings [€] 59,9 € 56,8 € 22,2 € 21,4 € 4,6 € 38,2 € 66,9 € 64,3 €

In our household the ground source heat pump, electric car charging, dishwasher and washing machine are spot price optimized with OpenHAB and the solution developed by @masipila Control a water heater and ground source heat pump based on cheap hours of spot priced electricity - #13 by masipila

For those new to the thread, the table above compares our energy bill to spot average energy price and below that to the local energy company energy price, which currently would be 8,79c/kWh. I use this price as reference for calculating the savings, as we used to buy energy from them before changing to spot price. Markus’ code is quite effective as we have been able to keep energy cost below average spot price for every month except July, when we used the least amount of energy of the whole year. I am honestly quite impressed by the performance of the solution.

Here is our energy usage summary from February to November 2023 when we have been using spot energy and the control system developed by @masipila

Some background information that explains some of the consumption month values might be in order. Totally we heat 250m2 although the garage and basement are at lower temperatures. Besides the ground heating system we have a solar heating system, a solar electricity system with a battery and an electric car. If it gets very cold or the spot price is exceptionally high we can also heat with wood. As we also have a 2 000L heat storage and a 500L hotwater storage that can be heated with the ground heating pump we have modified the original code so that all our heating is done during the cheapest hours between 0.00 and 8.00.

During the time of the year when very little solar energy is available we charge the battery with the cheaper electricity during the night and use it from the battery during the day. The battery can provide the energy for the base consumption of the house and occasional use of the coffee machine and the microwave oven for almost the whole day Food making is often done with the woodfired stove.

The washing machine and dishwasher are both manually timed to the cheapest hours.

More information about our systems can be found in Finnish at


No long term stats, but here’s my month-to-date snapshot for December
It’s interesting as my home has a pretty common ‘average’ hardware setup. No EV.
12kW heat pump with average-sized buffers (300l+200l), solar plant (12kWp), consumption (4 persons).
Both reports are taken from my energy management system (commercial but openHAB based for those that wouldn’t know).

So it’s almost 25% savings compared to a fixed price tariff of 35ct which was the average value in Germany in 2023.
Also note the line doing the math “what-if-I-had-no-PV”. Tomorrow it’s winter solstice and this is showing how little a PV contributes at this time of the year. Post #11 in comparison gives an impression of how it looks like in spring with little heating needed.
Also, I’m in Germany where prices are much higher, particularly because of (fixed) transmission cost, so saving percentages don’t look as great as in Finland.

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Impressive figures @ruxu and also @mstormi !

Here are our updated stats since August 2022 which was the first month when I had the automation in place. Currently ongoing month 2023-12 is until Dec 21.

Month Consumption, kWh Market avg, c/kWh Our avg, c/kWh Diff, c/kWh Diff % Välkky, c/kWh Ref 1, EUR Ref 2, EUR Actual, EUR
2022-08 518 32.4 22.5 -9.9 -30.56% 4.9 204 119 25
2022-09 625 26.6 18.6 -8.0 -30.08% 6.8 202 119 43
2022-10 873 14.1 8.9 -5.2 -36.88% 9.6 152 81 84
2022-11 1034 24.2 20.2 -4.0 -16.53% 10.8 305 213 112
2022-12 1503 27.1 24.2 -2.9 -10.70% 11.9 496 370 179
2023-01 1369 8.9 6.9 -2.0 -22.47% 12.8 152 100 175
2023-02 1570 8.82 6.0 -2.8 -31.75% 12.0 173 101 188
2023-03 1723 8.16 5.7 -2.4 -30.00% 12.4 177 105 213
2023-04 975 6.66 4.7 -2.0 -30.03% 12.8 82 49 125
2023-05 890 3.28 2.2 -1.1 -33.54% 13.7 39 23 122
2023-06 719 4.24 3.4 -0.8 -20.00% 14.0 40 27 100
2023-07 596 4.08 2.9 -1.2 -29.41% 13.6 32 20 81
2023-08 704 8.23 5.1 -3.2 -38.40% 5.7 73 39 40
2023-09 672 4.08 2.3 -1.8 -44.36% 7.1 36 18 48
2023-10 1319 4.67 2.4 -2.3 -49.25% 6.6 80 37 87
2023-11 1642 8.63 2.8 -5.8 -67.21% 3.1 178 53 51
2023-12 1319 11.5 10.1 -1.4 -12.17% 7.5 188 138 99
TOTAL 2608 1611 1771

As mentioned before, we have the “consumption factor” kind of an agreement (Väre Välkky)

  • Our price was 14.8 c/kWh +/- consumption factor (diff) between 2022-07 – 2023-07
  • We were able to update it to 8.88 c/kWh +/- consumption factor (diff) for 2023-08 until 2024-07

A pure spot price agreement would have been 160 € cheaper than Välkky (assuming that we would have the same automation system as we now have). But if we would just have a spot price contract and no automation, we would have been paying 837 € more than what we have now being paying with Välkky so that’s basically the amount of money saved so far with automation.

I can see @ruxu also benefited from a nice Black Friday discount last month when half a day was priced at -0.62 € / kWh thanks to our dear Norwegian neighbors. That one day dumped our monthly consumption factor to -5.8 c/kWh so we paid 3.1 c/kWh for the whole month’s energy. :smiley:

Happy holidays to everybody!


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Spot April May June July August September October November December Total 2023
consumption [kWh] 854 613,06 498,31 436,65 515,12 677,3 1259,5 1584,64 1908,28 8346,86
basic fee [€/mth] 4,35 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 43,55 €
price [c/kWh] 5,7305 3,2804 4,6364 4,1087 8,2108 2,5401 3,0403 4,3297 7,9216 4,8665
margin [c/kWh] 0,22 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,25
Total 55,17 € 26,54 € 29,25 € 23,93 € 48,48 € 23,80 € 46,34 € 77,47 € 160,84 € 491,82 €
Average spot price 6,661 3,3 5,372 4,085 8,23 4,07 4,66 5,66 9,4591 5,7219
Savings [c/kWh] 0,9305 0,0196 0,7356 -0,0237 0,0192 1,5299 1,6197 1,3303 1,5375 0,8554
Savings [%] 14 % 1 % 14 % -1 % 0 % 38 % 35 % 24 % 16 % 15 %
Savings [€] 7,9 € 0,1 € 3,7 € -0,1 € 0,1 € 10,4 € 20,4 € 21,1 € 29,3 € 92,91 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 22,5
price [c/kWh] 13,18 13,18 9,82 9,82 9,82 8,79 8,79 8,79 11,83 10,45 €
Total 115,06 € 83,30 € 51,43 € 45,38 € 53,08 € 62,03 € 113,21 € 141,79 € 228,25 € 893,5 €
Savings [%] 52 % 68 % 43 % 47 % 9 % 62 % 59 % 45 % 30 % 45 %
Savings [€] 59,9 € 56,8 € 22,2 € 21,4 € 4,6 € 38,2 € 66,9 € 64,3 € 67,4 € 401,7 €

We took @masipila 's control system into use in April. System controls heating, EV charging, dishwasher and washer.

This January is going to be quite interesting for us because of the consumption factor agreement and the all-time high spot prices on Jan 5th.

Our contract is 8.8 +/- consumption factor. On Jan 5th the average price of the day was 110 c/kWh, which is about 10x compared to other days. Because we were able to reduce our consumption during the day, our consumption factor on a daily level was -34 c/kWh. Of course this will not be the factor for the whole month but for Jan 1 - Jan 6 period we are at -10.0 meaning that if the month would end now, we would not pay a dime.

I would guestimate that the whole month’s consumption factor will land somewhere on the ballbark of -5 so we would pay 8.8-5=3.8 c/kWh. The January average market price is 33 c/kWh at the moment but it will come down because Jan 5th pulls the average heavily at the moment but in any case the consumption factor agreement is going to beat a pure spot price contract on this particular month quite much (we will pay it back on summer months when the market price is less than 8.8 c/kWh, though).

Black line in the picture is spot price in c/kWh and green bars are our consumption. We had a huge anomaly in the spot price 5.1.2024, highest price ever in Finland.
Looking at the graph it seems obvious we were able to dodge the bullet with OpenHAB. The house was heated in the preceding night with a long heating period and then everything shut down while the price was high.

Money saved!


Here is our savings data for 2-12/2023. The savings with the system was 206€ so the system components are paid in one year. We coped with the 5.1.2024 extreme spot prices by heating all our heat storages with wood in the evening 4.1 to max. temperatures. The electric water heater and the ground heating pump were in standby state. The solar system battery was also charged to 100% during the cheap hours and then recharged at cheapest daytime hour on 5.1 back to 100%. The total additional electricity cost for us during that day was about 12€ compared to a average day.

Our total electricity costs (electricity, transfer costs, monthly basic fees and taxes) for 12 months 2023 was 1 140€, an average of 95€ / month. This also includes about 1 500kWh for charging the EV.

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Spot Total 2024 January
consumption [kWh] [kWh] 2008,64 2008,64
basic fee [€/mth] 4,9 4,9
price [c/kWh] 11,6895
margin [c/kWh] [c/kWh] 0,25
Total 244,72 € 244,72 €
Average spot price 13,1782 13,1782
Savings [c/kWh] 1,4887
Savings [%] 11 %
Savings [€] 29,9 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 2,5 2,5
price [c/kWh] 12,76 12,76
Total [€] 258,80 258,80 €
Savings [%] 5 %
Savings [€] 14,08

11% under spot average price in January.

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I just published a new version of the optimization solution as an npm package. Full documentation is available at

Actual consumption Total 2024 January February March
consumption [kWh] [kWh] 4881,43 2008,64 1584,54 1288,25
basic fee [€/mth] 14,7 4,9 4,9 4,9
price [c/kWh] 11,6895 6,2043 6,2025
margin [c/kWh] [c/kWh] 0,25 0,25 0,59
Total 444,30 € 244,72 € 107,17 € 92,40 €
Average spot price [c/kWh] 8,976 13,1782 6,4 7,35
Savings [c/kWh] 1,4887 0,1957 7
Savings vs spot average [%] 11 % 3 % 16 %
Savings [€] 47,79 29,9 € 3,1 € 14,8 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 7,5 2,5 2,5 2,5
price [c/kWh] 12,76 8,94 8,94
Total [€] 520,63 258,80 € 144,16 € 117,67 €
Savings [%] 15 % 5 % 26 % 21 %
Savings [€] 76,33 14,08 36,99 25,27

Edit: Updated 7.4.2024

16% under average spot price in February. Total savings 2024 against Spot 47,79€ and against local fixed price 76,33€.

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Actual consumption Total 2024 January February March April May
consumption [kWh] [kWh] 6666,35 2008,64 1584,54 1288,25 1028,24 756,68
basic fee [€/mth] 21,29933 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,10 2,5
price [c/kWh] 11,6895 6,2043 6,2025 7,51 3,39
margin [c/kWh] [c/kWh] 0,25 0,25 0,59 0,54 0,54
Total 563,75 € 244,72 € 107,17 € 92,40 € 87,22 € 32,24 €
Average spot price [c/kWh] 7,930 13,1782 6,4 7,35 8,35 4,37
Savings [c/kWh] 1,4887 0,1957 7 8 7
Savings vs spot average [%] 11 % 3 % 16 % 10 % 22 %
Savings [€] 63,84 29,9 € 3,1 € 14,8 € 8,6 € 7,4 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 13,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,5 2,5
price [c/kWh] 12,76 8,94 8,94 9,94 5,99
Total [€] 674,16 258,80 144,16 117,67 105,71 47,83
Savings [%] 16 % 5 % 26 % 21 % 17 % 33 %
Total savings [€] 110,4 € 14,1 € 37,0 € 25,3 € 18,5 € 15,6 €

The system keeps performing well as actual price every month stays below spot average price. Total savings can be seen in the leftmost column.

I changed energy provider mid April, so numbers for that month are weighted accordingly.

Actual consumption Total 2024 January February March April May June July
consumption [kWh] [kWh] 7730,62 2008,64 1584,54 1288,25 1028,24 756,68 530,97 533,3
basic fee [€/mth] 26,29933 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,10 2,5 2,5 2,5
price [c/kWh] 11,6895 6,2043 6,2025 7,51 3,39 4,4 1,87
margin [c/kWh] [c/kWh] 0,25 0,25 0,59 0,54 0,54 0,54 0,54
Total 607,83 € 244,72 € 107,17 € 92,40 € 87,22 € 32,24 € 28,73 € 15,35 €
Average spot price [c/kWh] 6,275 13,1782 6,4 7,357 6,065 4,364 4,48 2,08
Savings [c/kWh] 1,4887 0,1957 7 8 7 8 9
Savings vs spot average [%] 11 % 3 % 16 % -24 % 22 % 2 % 10 %
Savings [€] 41,93 29,9 € 3,1 € 14,9 € -14,9 € 7,4 € 0,4 € 1,1 €
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 21,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,5 2,5 3,5 4,5
price [c/kWh] 12,76 8,94 8,94 9,94 5,99 6,99 6,99
Total [€] 756,55 258,80 144,16 117,67 105,71 47,83 40,61 41,78
Savings [%] 20 % 5 % 26 % 21 % 17 % 33 % 29 % 63 %
Total savings [€] 148,7 € 14,1 € 37,0 € 25,3 € 18,5 € 15,6 € 11,9 € 26,4 €

Still saving!

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Just another month-to-date snapshot of mine.

We just had a basement flooding, now there’s dryers running at 4kW all day, plus the heat pump is doing air condition now. Both of these are nice applications for my energy management system. As you can see it saved me more than 60 € this month (plus savings from PV), not very common in summer.

The interesting part is 24,6ct being the consumption-weighted average grid price, this I’m now calculating on the fly so I can also cross-check my Tibber invoice.
24,6ct is not all that bad given 19,6ct of these are fixed transmission and tax etc.
FWIW, I get 8,2ct for feeding surplus photovoltaic power to the grid so I also take this as the “price” when I consume my own self-generated power.


September bill came Total saved this year so far almost 200€:

Actual consumption Total 2024 January February March April May June July August September
consumption [kWh] [kWh] 8884,3 2008,64 1584,54 1288,25 1028,24 756,68 530,97 533,3 525,48 628,2
basic fee [€/mth] 31,3 € 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,10 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,53
price [c/kWh] 11,69 6,20 6,2025 7,51 3,39 4,4 1,87 1,18 5,19
margin [c/kWh] [c/kWh] 0,25 0,25 0,59 0,54 0,54 0,54 0,54 0,54 0,55
Total 657,96 € 244,72 € 107,17 € 92,40 € 87,22 € 32,24 € 28,73 € 15,35 € 11,54 € 38,59 €
Average spot price [c/kWh] 5,834 13,18 6,40 7,36 6,07 4,36 4,48 2,08 1,55 7,03
Savings [c/kWh] 1,49 0,20 1,15 -1,45 0,97 0,08 0,21 0,37 1,84
Savings vs spot average [%] 11,3 % 3,1 % 15,7 % -23,8 % 22,3 % 1,8 % 10,1 % 23,9 % 26,2 %
Savings [€] 55,44 29,90 3,10 14,87 -14,86 7,37 0,42 1,12 1,94 11,56
Local energy company
basic fee [€/mth] 23,53 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,53
price [c/kWh] 12,76 8,94 8,94 9,94 5,99 6,99 6,99 6,99 9,45
Total [€] 854,68 258,80 144,16 117,67 105,71 47,83 39,61 39,78 39,23 61,89
Savings [%] 23 % 5 % 26 % 21 % 17 % 33 % 27 % 61 % 71 % 38 %
Total savings [€] 196,7 € 14,1 € 37,0 € 25,3 € 18,5 € 15,6 € 10,9 € 24,4 € 27,7 € 23,3 €
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