Tibber Binding

Now you got me.

Actually that post was about lastMeterProduction, not lastMeterConsumption.

I’m experiencing dropouts in the live power data from the Tibber Binding:

Data feed persistence stopped and 22:00 CEST, resumed operation without my intervention at about 02:54 CEST, stopped again at about 09:00 CEST; manual restart of the Tibber Binding via Karaf console at 11:25, persistence and live power channel data stopped again, but Tibber API explorer was providing live measurement data, 2nd manual restart at 14:30 CET …

openhab> bundle:list | grep ibber
279 x Active x  80 x     x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Tibber Binding

openHAB log (nothing at around 22:00 CEST yesterday):

2023-03-31 11:52:11.776 [WARN ] [ibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - IO Exception: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.EOFException: HttpConnectionOverHTTP@86e67c::DecryptedEndPoint@3ecd3a{l=/,r=api.tibber.com/,OPEN,fill=-,flush=-,to=60030/0}
2023-03-31 19:56:10.889 [WARN ] [ibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - IO Exception: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.EOFException: HttpConnectionOverHTTP@1419228::DecryptedEndPoint@ff62c2{l=/,r=api.tibber.com/,OPEN,fill=-,flush=-,to=60034/0}
2023-04-01 02:51:58.824 [WARN ] [ibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - IO Exception: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.EOFException: HttpConnectionOverHTTP@dcc3eb::DecryptedEndPoint@1f95775{l=/,r=api.tibber.com/,OPEN,fill=-,flush=-,to=60008/0}
        at org.openhab.binding.tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler$TibberWebSocketListener.sendMessage(TibberHandler.java:548) ~[?:?]
        at org.openhab.binding.tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler.close(TibberHandler.java:391) ~[?:?]
        at org.openhab.binding.tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler$TibberWebSocketListener.onWebSocketError(TibberHandler.java:466) ~[?:?]
        at org.openhab.binding.tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler.close(TibberHandler.java:399) ~[?:?]
        at org.openhab.binding.tibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler$TibberWebSocketListener.onWebSocketError(TibberHandler.java:466) ~[?:?]
2023-04-01 02:52:45.384 [WARN ] [ibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - Websocket Client Stop Exception: java.lang.InterruptedException
2023-04-01 07:50:33.281 [WARN ] [ibber.internal.handler.TibberHandler] - CLOSE FRAME - Failed to stop websocket client: null
2023-04-01 11:24:55.262 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Initializing handler for thing 'tibber:tibberapi:f3f7052db4' takes more than 5000ms.
2023-04-01 14:30:34.266 [WARN ] [core.thing.internal.ThingManagerImpl] - Initializing handler for thing 'tibber:tibberapi:f3f7052db4' takes more than 5000ms.

Not sure how to proceed with troubleshooting - any advise appreciated.

Initializing handler for thing 'tibber:tibberapi:f3f7052db4' takes more than 5000ms.
something to worry about?

I stand corrected, sorry. Read myself “Production” because I knew “Consumption” was already there.

Am I correct that lastMeterConsumption and lastMeterProduction are the overall meter reading (German: Zählerstand) for used energy and produced energy (German: 1.8.0 and 2.8.0)? I did not read this long thread but this screenshot leads me in that direction.

(I am thinking about getting a Tibber Pulse, so I cannot checkout myself at the moment.)

Correct, cf. Tibber Developer and Tibber - Bindings | openHAB.

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At least in Germany, Tibber doesn’t seem to cope with negative energy prices: the Tibber API currently does not provide prices for tomorrow - so it’s time to check your automation rules for unexpected behavior if tomorrow’s prices aren’t available as expected. :slight_smile:

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I’m starting everything I got tomorrow. Just to see what happens. Will be a challenge - as it’ll be blue sky sunny and I’ll have to work arouns my PV

89.995 SEK/NOK (about 7.6 kEUR) for 6.6 kWh and 129.995 SEK/NOK (about 11 kEUR) for 13.3 kWh

I have a problem with the Tibber binding, hoping that anyone can help me. I set the refresh interval to 1 (Minute), but in the events.log Tibber items are refreshed ecery 3 to 5 ms. I can´t understand this behavior and it seems that my system is slowing down and some other rules are not working anymore.

The refresh interval applies only to the query part of the binding. When you have Tibber Pulse / Live subscription, Pulse sends data every 2 seconds over websocket, so all changes/updates will be read.

Many thxs Stian for this information

Can you adjust the channel descriptions, too ? It ain’t “since midnight”.

Most of production channels are grouped as channel-type production, with description as linked below, i.e. example either last meter recording, or production since midnight, so I’m uncertain what is needed updated?

Oh sorry I was referring to the recently bespoken channels lastMeterProduction and lastMeterConsumption. They both represent current values, not accumulated since midnight.

My point above was that most of production channels are grouped as production channel-type, and most of consumption channels are grouped as consumption channel-type. Meaning these channel-types cover both since-midnight values as well as meter values, also as referred to in the github extract shown above, having description …e.g. last meter reading, accumulated since midnight) with the different examples (since-midnight vs meter) separated by comma.

Frankly I’m a bit confused. I was looking to get the current power value from the Tibber binding
and thought it was live_lastMeterConsumption.

It’s a single value. The channel description for that is still talking about consumption within a time interval and it’s of Number:Energy type.
But that does not make sense for a live power value. Channel/item would need to be of Number:Power type and would be an actual live value in W, not a counter/meter in kWh or some such.

I think both of those (data type and desc) are correct for the live_accumulatedConsumption channel and there was a copy’n paste error in applying that to live_lastMeterConsumption

Ok, I think I was wrong here. It’s two meter values (which I don’t understand the difference of) but Power:Energy und hence the channel description are ok then.

But what’s the channel I’m looking for to get current feed-in or grid consumption ?
Is it any of the last 3 channels I’m looking for ? live_powerProduction ? But what do min and max mean then ? There’s only ever one current value.

Naming and descriptions are confusing. It’s unclear what Tibber means by those.
(it’s news to me they “produce” any power actually but assume this is when you have a PV to produce hence feed-in more than your home consumes).
live_averagePower, live_min_ and live_max_ the description says it’s about energy consumed/produced in some interval but they’re of Number:Power type so that does not make sense to me. If it’s about min/max/avg within some interval, where’s that interval defined ?

Dazed and confused.

I only have consumption in my setup, so I do not have any clarifying answers to your production questions. The Tibber binding is set up using the official Tibber API docs, and each channel is described here (under LiveMeasurement):

I cannot see the channel today_prices using OH 4.0.0 M5 (it was also the case with the latest 3.x release). Tomorrow_prices is available. Any hints?