Time Input via oh-input doesn't seem to work

I am running OpenHAB 4.1.1 on Rasbian

I use oh-input to input time from the main web GUI. Today I looked at the screen for time input and the little clock symbol isn’t there anymore to allow for input. The item tied to the widget is null and that that might have something to do with it (still fumbling around with how to set it without the GUI). I went to the widget editor and put in both time and time/date pickers but they don’t let you input time either. The time editor is below and doesn’t show the edit button. The date/time is the second example and while the calendar pops up it doesn’t have the time section. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

component: oh-input-card
  title: Time picker
  type: time
  sendButton: true
  useDisplayState: true
  showTime: true

component: oh-input-card
  title: Time picker
  type: datetime-local
  sendButton: true
  useDisplayState: true
  showTime: true

It is not immediately clear. When I use the sample cope you provide, I get the clock icon and can set time. I am also on 4.1.1. So it is not a universal issue.

What browser are you using to view these widgets?

I have a very similar issue, if not the same one.

This is my Default Standalone Widget setup:

value: oh-input-card
  outline: true
  min: 00:00
  max: 23:59
  pattern: "[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}"
  validate-on-blur: true
  type: time
  sendButton: true
  validate: true

My items hold string values between “00:00” and “23:59”.
It worked fine until the upgrade from OH3.4 to 4.0. Now I’m on OH4.1.

Since OH4.0 this only works if the item value is a timestamp in exactly this format: “2024-02-03T03:02:00+01:00”, and even then I do net get rid of the seconds.

I need a way to set time-of-day values in “HH:mm” format. Any suggestions?

Welcome to the forums.

I don’t think your issue is related to the original post. Time only values in the input widgets were not previously actually supported and caused some significant issues. Those issues have been fixed but it means that time inputs now return DataTime items only. Your two best options going forward are 1) adjust your system so that the items controlled by the input card are DateTime and not String or 2) build your own custom widget that does handle the input of HH:mm formatted strings.

I don’t know the particulars of your use case here, but I suspect that the first option is the better option.