Timeline for Basic UI

Thanks for your answer

maybe Some noob questions,

your help will me more than appreciated . you know the feeling to be close than ever :slight_smile:

1. Why do i have a such space (red square)?

    Text label="Security" icon="releaselock" {
        Frame label="Main" icon="alarm" {
                Selection item=HomeStatus icon="home"  label="Status"   mappings=[bye="Bye",lock="Lock",night="Night",back="Back",door="Door"]
                Default item=gpresence_Notification label="Last motion"					
                //myStr= Z_Door1 + " " +Z_Door1_LastUpdate
                Default item=DoorProxy_terrasse						 label="Terrace [%s]"	icon="door"
                Default item=Z_Door1_LastUpdate  label="Last update" icon="time" 
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door label="Entry Door" icon="door"    
               // Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate label="Last update"  icon="time" 
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate1     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate2     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate3     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate4     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate5     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate6     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate7     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate8     
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate9  	
                Default item= mqtt_sensor_door_LastUpdate10  	
                Webview url="/static/Visualization/Timeline.html?Item=mqtt_sensor_door&ServiceId=influxdb&Hours=12" height=12

                Default item=Door_Snooze_Switch						 label="Door_Snooze_Switch"	icon="door"


2. is it possible to change the font color or the X axis (currently black on black?

  1. Correct me if i am wrong. this widget could be displayed only when connected to the local network AND only from a browser

Guys, any ideas?

Please I would like to see this example! Thanks!!

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I want to access a sitemap containing timeline through a nginx reverse-proxy.
The local access “http://adress:8080/basicui/app?sitemap=diagnostic” works fine,
but when I try to access this site through a nginx-reverseproxy
https://adress.tld/basicui/app?sitemap=diagnostic” the timline dosnt appear.
Which changes are required to acces timline through a reverseproxy?

thanks for the fast replay.
I have installed grafana on the same host of openhab and nginx and the service is running.
I can access the startscreen at http://IPadress:3000
But how can I access the BasicUI of openhab ? What config is required for grafana ?
please note, for timeline Im using rrd4j not influx or mysql and my host is a raspi (armV7)

ive got this far, what can i check ?

have u had time do do the english documents?

Got it working, excellent, I was trying to load (locally) loader.js and jquery.min.js that just did not work, even with a local copy, that i thought was correct. also reset the base url to my lan ip and port rather than “…/…/”

Thanks for Huge_Go uTube information

Wow! So glad I scrolled further down to find this little gem. Thank you to both of you. This is such an underrated way to display data that honestly should be an integral part of basicUI.

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Really cool and working. Unlimited use case useful function .
Trying to use it using tasker . Planning to monitor the app usage in mobile .

Improvements : Duration inside the bar
Should work on mobile app using rest API Currently it is not working over internet .
Currently chart working only on Local net . Internet it is not working .

As long as local htmls don’t get proxied and the html content itself is not public, it wont work remotley. Hopefully there will be something to proxy local htmls safely in the future

excellent tool, I have been tweeking my setups, but one timeline is now not showing entrys against known items, yet the same generation files are working fine on another group of entries.

comments on what would cause this would be appreciated , is it possible the persistence is broken ?

I have yet to spot what is causing this, is there any debug in the script thats safe to enable ?

you can always debug in your browser and see if there are any errors coming up. In Firefox press Q and go to console

in the console i found

jquery.min.js:4 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
send @ jquery.min.js:4

also 26 errors of a very long line

found the issue, it appears the persistence i used rrd4j, needs the items persisted individually not via group, yet the visual display needs the items in a group for the purpose of rendering

Is it possible to display a combined multi-axes diagramm and a timeline diagramm sharing the same x-axis scale?

I’m struggling to get the TimeLine shown in the IOS App.
In Safari Browser everything looks good, but in the App I only see a white section.
Is this working for someone?

thanks Stefan