Timeline picker to setup heating, light and so on

just thought id mention it, as its similar but does the complete opposite, not that ive got it working as yet :wink: , Back on Topic , I am using your timeline picker for calling a speedtest, i am sure it only operates the switch once not holds during the "on " period of programming ?

The timeline picker presented in this thread (thanks for it @tose) is checking each switch that is connected to it every 15 minutes (adjustable in the rule) and switching it if it is not in the desired position.

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I updated to the version with the zoom, but this is what I get

I cleared cache and I obtain this result bot on edge, chrome on a windows 10 pc and on chrome on android.
I reverted back the three files and everything is as before.
Should I re-install some other file?

@Lionello_Marrelli please post the output from the console in the develoment tools of your browser.
I mean it is a cache problem. Perhaps you can delete the cache for the last 7 day’s and try it again.

@tose Actually, I reinstalled the three files again and tried with a different computer and it worked. The strange thing is that it worked also on chrome for android (without any further cache clearing compared to previous test).
By the way, the colors in my sitemap are not as in the OP
It would be nice to set not only the name (TEMPLOW and TEMPHIGH in this case) but also the color, or at least have colors more different (say blue and yellow)

In any case, thank you for your hard work

@Lionello_Marrelli The browser cache is sometimes tricky. When it now works then is it ok. :slightly_smiling_face:

To select different colorsets or your own colorset is a good idea. So im not the bad boy, because of the wrong colors. Unfortunately is time the most problem. I will implement this in the next. (thats the next url parameter :scream:) Please remember me or create a issue on gitlab. https://gitlab.com/RNTs_3/openhab-timeline-picker

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enhancement :grinning:

  1. I have added the possibility to select predefined colorsets for the presentation of states in UI or to define your own colors for each state. (url- parameter: &colorsets=…)
    The documentation in the original post is updated.

For an update download the files from the master branch https://gitlab.com/RNTs_3/openhab-timeline-picker/tree/master and overwrite the existing files. The current switching points should be retained.


Is anyone willing to test a new function?

I have added the ability to temporarily disable the timeline picker.
The next screenshots should describe the use.

In the lower right corner is the button for deactivating the timeline.
After press this button the presentation is changed:

Now one can see the last state (only if at least one switching operation has been carried out) and no further switching operation is done.

For activation the timeline press the button in the upper right corner.

The upgrade procedure:

  1. download the project files from this branch: https://gitlab.com/RNTs_3/openhab-timeline-picker/tree/disableAbility

  2. Create a additinoal Item:

    String TimelineHelper                 "[%s]"
  1. Replace the index.html, switchPointSet.js, switchPointSet.css and timeLinePicker.rules files.

  2. The file prefs.js must be placed in the folder: openhab-conf/html/time-line-picker/js/

  3. Don’t forget to insert your own config in the timelinepicker.rules.

  4. Add the url parameter: &deactivation=true

  5. Clear the browser cache and done.

Please give me a short feedback if everythink works.
Thank’s Torsten


Give me some time (I’m away from home and I’m still missing the possibility to “VPN2Home”).
I will do the test next week.

Very cool feature!

cool feature. If I get it right there is only one Item which controlls this deactivation-feature?

I use the timepicker for different things to controll. But with the new feature I will deactive all of them because it is the same item for all. Is there a way to just deactiveate one of my time pickers?

Hi, very nice and usefull, the whole timeline picker feature. Is it not possible to integrate it with a binding?

Best regards


Yes, you will deactivate all items assigned to the transferitem in your rule file.
To control single items is not planed.

I have already thought about the integration into a binding. But the moment is difficulty.
Where does the road from openhab lead?

  • to start a new binding is difficulty - reintegration from eclipse, missing ‘get started’

  • new config UI is not clear

I would favorit javascript as language and was looking for a way. (JSR223)
Creating items and assoziated groups is possible with REST- interface.
But i have no idea how can i write into the jsondb to save config data.
Also the trigger at system startedup is not working.
That’s why I can’t get on with binding.

I thing also a extra config area would be very helpfull.
Meanwhile there are quite a lot of parameters.

At least for me such integrations via a HTML webviews is just fine. Of course, an official sitemap item to display the same functionality would be nice. However I like this customized approach with webviews and them interacting via the REST interface. (though webviews are not proxyed if you connect remotely unfortunately - big limitation compared to a native sitemap thing)
I think the only limitation is that there are numerous bindings for thing integrations but only a few ways to display your data, if you are not a web developer

Maybe my post is a little bit missleading.

I use the timepicker for different items. Which means I use this:

val HashMap<String,ArrayList> timePicker = newHashMap(
“TransferItem1” -> newArrayList(‘Thermostat1’,‘Thermostat2’),
“TransferItem2” -> newArrayList(‘LightSwitch45’)

But if I use the new feature, both of the two seperate item groups are frozen. Is there a way to just freeze/disable one of them and let the other one do the normal timepicker job schedule?

Ah, that’s not the plan.
You mean you disable TranferItem1 and TransferItem2 with the assigned item LightSwitch45 is also disabled?

It should be correct that you can deactivate TransferItem1 and TransferItem2 without interaction.
I will test the behaviour. Thanks for the response.

It’s strange. For me everything works fine.
One timepicker (= one transferitem) is deactiveted.
The other timepickers works well.

Can you show the content from one transferitem?

Hi Torsten,

Thanks for your update on the timeline picker. Unfortunately I can’t implement it right now as I’m off for 2 weeks. However exactly this circumstance leads me to my question.

One use case for me is to “simulate” a fake home, as if someone is there. For this I have your timeline to set up the lights and one switch item in openhab to say please activate fake home. In the rule section, there is then a if clause, if the switch is on so that the lights go on etc.
I use this switch, because it can be controlled remotely and on this way I can set fake home on or off when I’m not in my local network.
Your new feature does the same as this switch as it activates and deactivates the timeline. However you can’t do it from remote as webviews aren’t proxied.
therefore my question of it is possible to bind the activate/deactivate of the timeline to a switch from openhab?


@NoneWhereTo Hi,
your solution is right. A switch in the background of activate and deactivate would be possible.
I was looking a solution that is simple to integrate in each enviroment and a additinonal item was one step more and also one error source. Perhaps an autocreate switch item with the rest interface is possible.

At this point i would find it, it’s better an complete config area for all timelinepickers and this stops here.

Let’s wait the next OH steps and the development of a new config UI.

But i have testet with an VPN connection. On my tablet i can see Webviews, on my mobile webviews are not visible. I have no idea.

Hi Torsten,

yeah totally understand your approach. However, when I’ll be back I’ll take a look to switch the deactivate/activate interface of your webview via an item.
Overall, love your timeline picker. Hope its getting implemented into OH at some point

Via VPN it is no problem to use webview even remotly. Webviews are not proxied via myopenhab cloud. However there was a bug on the android App some time ago, but I think it already got fixed. So local (& VPN) webview should work properly