Timer binding proof of concept

Rich, your histrionics have gone too far. I usually just turn and walk in the opposite direction of melodrama, but this and some of your other recent comments are attacks on me and my character. This is very unexpected, especially for a moderator of this forum who is representing the openHAB foundation. Your posts are forcing me to share our interaction with the community so that they can make up their own minds about your disparaging remarks.

In response to a post in which you stated as fact something that has not yet been finalized…

… I sent you a friendly PM to make sure that you were aware that what you stated was one of several options being considered and that nothing was final. My intent was to help you in preserving your credulity and to prevent people in the future from being confused if a different direction was chosen.

Your response was a harsh rebuke and a circular argument where you stated you’d continue communicating things as you understood them until things had been finalized. The next time you posted similar information about the future of automation…

…I replied with…

You then PMed me again to aggressively inform me that you would refrain from communicating in the forum about automation in OH 3.0 until it has been released. I’ve never told you to shut up or even suggested that you stop speaking about automation. All I have tried to do is raise your awareness to the fact that OH 3.0 automation design decisions are not finalized, so that your communications reflect the true state of things. However, you are still communicating definitive statements about things that have still not been finalized…

My intent was only to help you and others, and I don’t know why this is such a big trigger for you. Your innuendoes and insinuations are damaging on many levels and completely uncalled for.