Timer countdown vsible in human reading format

not just that.

this appears usually after 290 sec. from timer kick off. Sometimes it comes twice in the timer period.
Timer is set to 1200sec.

I know this isn’t addressing the issue, but you should probably NOT persist that item anyway. What’s the point of persisting it?

What item do you exactly mean? What persistence?

Some more explanation…
I have an office room without the wall switches (they are physically but have been placed behind the furniture) The only way to lighten the office is movement recognition and time controlled lighting.
I know it is not the best way but only this one i was concentrating on.

By the way I very appreciate your support. You were able to help me in resolving quite big part of the problem. I am not a developer so I would not be able to resolve that issues without your support. Thanks for that again!

I don’t use rrd4j persistence, and I don’t really know how the “default” settings are and where / how to change it. Apparently openhab is shipped with rrd4j by default and it persists every item by default. @rlkoshak do you know how to exclude one particular item from the “default” rrd4j config?

Here’s the documentation and explanation about persistence:


Yeah, I know they have the same title… confusing even to me, but they are two different articles / pages.

I am using the following rule to display a String in the HABPANEL.

rule "CD val"
    Item cd_val changed
    val_now = (cd_val.state as Number).intValue
    var sec = val_now % 60
    var min = (val_now / 60) % 60
    var hrs = (val_now / (60*60)) % 24
    var day = val_now / (60*60*24)

    var String str 
    if ( day > 0 ) 
        str = String::format("%1$02d days, %2$02d:%3$02d:%4$02d", day, hrs, min, sec)
        str = String::format("%1$02d:%2$02d:%3$02d", hrs, min, sec)

this is what I was afraid of.
I can assume because the item is a Number:Time type we need to parse value to the single days. Hovewer, what is confusing me that for the same item I use state description %tT and it is working in the UI.

BTW. I opened a new post dedicated to this problem. To not confuse subjects with Timers and HABPanel.

Only by creating and defining an rrd4j.persist file where you define specifically those Items you do want to save. There is no way to say “all but this one Item”. It’s either all Items or only those items listed that get saved.

You could also just post "20 min" and OH will convert to seconds or hours or whatever as required. One of the purposes of units is that we do not need to convert between compatible units ourselves.

HABPanel is, relatively speaking, old. There were minimal updates made to it between OH 2 and OH 3. It doesn’t know anything about the State Description Pattern. I never used HABPanel either so I don’t know it if handles the pattern when defined on the Item’s label, but for that I think you might need to define the Items in text files.