Too much for too little ?!

Ive been running OH2.5 for some weeks now, great sw, amazing community, and some witty exchanges with a few of the regular gurus on here. Soon hosting a cloud VPN to LAN,…Very happy,


I have put a little ole raspberry pi3B to work by installing on it,

  • openhab
  • openvpn
  • openssh server
  • ufw
  • z-wave 433rf, and zigbee, mjpeg live cam feed smart home

My isp gives me 80Mbps dl and 20Mbps ul. Performance is as good as it was when i didn’t have the pi , cpu maxes out at 10%, so no issues.

So question is, is it all too good to be true that this £40 box hiding in a cupboard can do all this and it’s secure and reliable?


I would avoid putting all my eggs in one box.
The Raspis are cheap enough to be able to run several one.
One Pi3/Pi4 for openHAB and closely related services
One Pi2 for PiHole
One Pi3 for openVPN
One Pi0 with Ethernet for Mosquitto
And an old Pi1 for pseudo static address and ebus

Keep SD card back ups of every one and Have a spare machine that you can put in the system with the relevant back-up if one fails.
This will give you some kind of redundancy. At the moment, if your pi fails, you’re well bug****d.


I agree with Vincent, I like to separate services a little bit. After all, do you want to kill your VPN because of a reboot to fix an openHAB issue?

But all things considered, you aren’t running much at all on that RPI. Pretty much every RPi in the world is running sshd and ufw. They are kind of must haves. OpenVPN doesn’t require much unless you have dozens and dozens of clients connected simultaneously. OH is about the only thing heavy weight, unless you are doing some sort of processing with those video feeds.

As for network, nothing you have there will be consuming your ISP bandwidth unless you have an external client (e.g. a phone) connected remotely over the Internet. OH uses a tiny bit of network to download and install new bindings.


perfect as always @rlkoshak

tbh , I’m the only “client” so I’m okayish with services being on the sole Pi. Granted not the purist model, but if it goes down (which it hasnt in 3years) I’m ok to suffer a keyboard and rolled sleeves at home. There is nothing life critical on the pi , so at worst any downtime is mere inconvenience.