Toon binding suddenly goes to UNINITIALIZED

Hi there,

The Toon things created with the Toon binding (connecting my thermostat) suddenly goe to UNINITIALIZED - HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR for the Toon display and UNINITIALIZED - HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR for the Toon Webaccount.

This is extra info i see on the Toon Webaccount binding:
ClassCastException: attempting to castbundleresource://21.fwk27346892/javax/ws/rs/client/ClientBuilder.class to bundleresource://21.fwk27346892/javax/ws/rs/client/ClientBuilder.class

Mostly its connected again after a reboot. But this shouldn’t be necessary right? Are there actions i can take to fix this?


You might want to try rooting your Toon and using the binding mentioned on Rooted (locally accessible) Toon