Tr064 wrong datarate shown

Hello all,

i have implemented the tr064 binding but the datrate is shown a little too low…

here is my definition

Number:DataTransferRate number_tr064_FritzBoxWanDslDownstreamCurrentRate                                                "DSL Downstream Current [%d Mbit/s]"     ["Measurement"] {channel="tr064:subdevice:wohnzimmer:wan:wanCurrentDownstreamBitrate", stateDescription=" "[ pattern="%.2f %unit%" ], unit="Mbit/s"}

result ist

Item 'number_tr064_FritzBoxWanDslDownstreamCurrentRate' changed from 0.944515625 Mbit/s to 0.21008854166666666 Mbit/s

in my fritz box i see

54,8 Mbit/s

why this huge difference?

I am using a FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable

( low ) peak value ?
Does the Downstream Max value match ?

Yes, max downstream rate matches perfectly

Fritz Box value

54,8 Mbit/s

openhab value

54.784 Mbit/s

only the current value seems to be a little low…