Hi everyone.
Im at bit stuck on the Ikea Tradfri. I have managed to controll the color of the lights, and thats works fine. My issue is the outlet socket,(who in my case, is connected to a LED strip) but that one i cant controll. (on/off). The light/contact is called “Lys under seng” (65556)
here is my *.Things file
Bridge tradfri:gateway:mygateway [ host="192.168.x.xxx", code="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" ] {
Thing 0210 65548 "Vicktoria farvet lys" [id=65548]
Thing 0010 65556 "Lys under seng" [id=65556]
Thing 0100 65546 "Lys ved tøjskab 1" [id=65546]
Thing 0100 65547 "Lys ved tøjskab 2" [id=65547]
Thing 0210 65555 "Lys Skrivebord" [id=65555]
My *.Items file
Switch 65556 "Lys under seng" (I_Vicktoria, gLight) ["Outlet"] { channel = "tradfri:0010:mygateway:65556:power"}
I hope that someone can help me a bit, thanks in advance