Hi, from a door contact, I get MQTT messages of the form {"contact":true,"linkquality":55,"battery":100,"voltage":3125}
I want to save the contact status and the battery status. For the contact, I would have to extract the contact field and translate the boolean value to OpenClosed.
Is this possible inside the item definition, or do I have to define a raw string item and parse it in a rule?
If it is possible in an item definition, is there any issue receiving the same mqtt message in multiple items?
Thanks, but this does only half of what I wanted. There is a dedicated item type for theses switches, Contact.
For that, I have to translate true/false to on/off. How do I combine that with JSONPATH?
discusses combining transformations, but the solution would only have an advantage to writing a rule if I could manage to not hardcode the JSON fieldname …
Your problem here is that the json.contact returns true or false
openHAB needs OPEN or CLOSED for a contact item.
Unfortunately, you can’t “nest” transformation services. So you will need a transformation that does it all.
Install the javascript transform
Create a file called “doorcontact.js” in the tranform folder with the folowing contents:
(function(jsonString) {
var data = JSON.parse(jsonString);
var doorState = data.contact;
if (doorState.contact) {
doorState = 'OPEN';
} else {
doorState = 'CLOSED';
return doorState;
Invert the OPEN and CLOSED in case true is CLOSED. I don’t know…
Maybe late, but I’m struggling with a similar problem.
I have a Tasmota-device which I configured to send a JSON (?) string when activated : {“contact”:“1”} or {“contact”:“0”}. I want to modify that 1 or 0 to Closed or Open.
When I configure the item as a string :
I can see the contact changing in HabPanel, the whole JSONPATH-string.
With JSONPATH I can send the state (0 or 1) to the item in HabPanel. I have to use a modified version of your config :
(function(jsonString) {
var data = JSON.parse(jsonString);
var contactState = data.contact;
if (contactState == 0) {
contactState = 'OPEN';
} else {
contactState = 'CLOSED';
return contactState;
I tried this in an online javascript tester and it’s fine. Unfortunately, Openhab2 gives an error :
2019-04-11 19:28:05.463 [WARN ] [.mqtt.internal.MqttMessageSubscriber] - Error processing MQTT message.
org.openhab.core.transform.TransformationException: An error occurred while executing script.
at org.openhab.core.transform.TransformationHelper$TransformationServiceDelegate.transform(TransformationHelper.java:67) ~[201:org.openhab.core.compat1x:2.4.0]
at org.openhab.binding.mqtt.internal.MqttMessageSubscriber.processMessage(MqttMessageSubscriber.java:133) [239:org.openhab.binding.mqtt:1.13.0]
at org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt.internal.MqttBrokerConnection.messageArrived(MqttBrokerConnection.java:570) [240:org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt:1.13.0]
at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.CommsCallback.deliverMessage(CommsCallback.java:475) [240:org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt:1.13.0]
at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.CommsCallback.handleMessage(CommsCallback.java:379) [240:org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt:1.13.0]
at org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.internal.CommsCallback.run(CommsCallback.java:183) [240:org.openhab.io.transport.mqtt:1.13.0]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) [?:?]
I even tried the simplest function :
(function(i) {
return "TEST";
Gives the same error.
I don’t know what to try next. Any help ?
I’m running Openhab2.40. Javascript transformation is installed.
I found a solution.
I modified the tasmota MQTT-message to send only 0 or 1. Now with a MAP I have the desired result.
But I would like to know what’s going wrong with the javascript.