I’m looking to set up alerts within OH that will remind the household of a couple of trash schedules so that the right items get placed on the curb on the right days and I’m looking to the community to see what might be the best way to implement this.
The goal is to speak alerts at a designated time prior and also to possibly display a reminder on a sitemap/HabPanel,
Here’s the information I have that the schedule will be based on:
Regular trash pickup is every Monday (except for holidays)
Recycling is every other Monday (except for holidays)
Junk/Heavy Waste is the first Friday of EVEN numbered months
Tree Waste is the first Friday of ODD numbered months.
So the question is, is this something I should use one of the calendar bindings for…or could this be done with rules?
No. I’ve not had a need for setting a schedule like this yet. I’d probably recommend the CalDav binding as it will work with multiple calendars whereas Gcal only works with Google.
I have exactly the same use case.
I use Gcal to change the trash items to ON, that way I can use it simply in any rule I want. So often we forgot to put the trash outside that I implemented more than one reminder.
mobilephones get alerts, my dreambox displays a message when switched on and in my bathroom the LED lights turn red when I enter. further I implemented squeezebox so openhab even talks to us. depending on which laptop is turned on (my wife’s or mine) in the morning, I use a different tone of voice. my wife hears a lot of beggings and I love you and so on… you know, to meet the WAF…
var String REMmsg = ""
rule "gMull notification"
Item gMull received update ON
val StringBuilder mull = new StringBuilder
gMull.members.filter[ i | i.state == ON ].forEach[i | mull.append(i.name + " und ") ]
mull.delete(mull.length - 5, mull.length) //delete letztes " und "
val StringBuilder mullurl = new StringBuilder
gMull.members.filter[ k | k.state == ON ].forEach[k | mullurl.append(k.name + "%20und%20") ]
mullurl.delete(mullurl.length - 9, mullurl.length) //delete letztes "%20und%20"
sendNotification("xxx@gmx.at", "Bitte " + mull +" rausbringen!")
var String REMmsg = "" + mullurl + "%20rausstellen!!&type=1&timeout=100"
rule "Mull switch reset"
Time cron "0 0 11 1/1 * ? *" //11:00
rule "Mullabfuhr Erinnerung voicecommand"
Time cron "0 10 20 1/1 * ? *" or //20:10
Item gComputer changed
val StringBuilder mull = new StringBuilder
if (gMull.state == ON && now.getHourOfDay() >= 20 && now.getHourOfDay() <= 23) {
gMull.members.filter[ i | i.state == ON ].forEach[i | mull.append(i.name + " und ") ]
mull.delete(mull.length - 5, mull.length) //delete letzten " und "
//logInfo ("Mullabfuhr", "bitte rausbringen: "+ mull)
var String tmp = "Hey, morgen kommt die Mullabfuhr. Bitte stell " + mull + " vors Tor, sonst stinkts. Bussi und Tschuess"
say (tmp, "voicerss:deDE")
else if (gMull.state == ON && now.getHourOfDay() >= 0 && now.getHourOfDay() <= 10) {
gMull.members.filter[ i | i.state == ON ].forEach[i | mull.append(i.name + " und ") ]
mull.delete(mull.length - 5, mull.length) //delete letzten " und "
var String tmp = "Guten Morgen, heute kommt die Mullabfuhr. Bitte stell " + mull + " vors Tor, schnell bevor die Mullabfuhr kommt. Bussi und Tschuess"
say (tmp, "voicerss:deDE")
rule "Mullabfuhr Erinnerung TV"
Item enigma_power_switch received update ON
if (gMull.state == ON ) {
var Timer bootTimer = null
bootTimer = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(2), [|
bootTimer = null])
Yes… correct… when i was adding this feature to my OH system… there have been problem with the Cal(Dav) binding… Not sure if any of them are running now…
so i used the HowTo from this topic… and after i stumpled upon some problems when installing all things… i made this (linked post) with all informations put together…