Trouble (Re)pairing a Sengled bulb ... and getting zigbee exception

Running openHAB 3.1.0 Release build
Raspberry Pi4 4GB

I have been having a heck of a time with a Sengled bulb. Here’s the history:

  1. Bulb had been on my working SmartThings set up
  2. Deleted bulb from ST
  3. Added it to OH3, working fine for a few months of testing
  4. Was having unrelated issue with a different zigbee device so decided to reinstall the Zigbee Binding
  5. Removed all Zigbee devices, uninstalled the Zigbee binding
  6. In this process I updated to 3.1 Release (had been on the latest Maintenance)
  7. Successfully added back the various Zigbee devices
  8. Now, a Sengled bulb will not join properly (it is there but reported as “unknown device” and I get handler error:

2021-07-23 08:35:15.867 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e' changed from UNKNOWN to OFFLINE (HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR)

Tried multiple times resetting bulb to factory defaults (10 on/off sequence)
Tried resetting with just reset sequence (5 on/off)

Tried and tried … with same results (it joins but is unknown) … thought maybe I damaged the bulb somehow … so I went back to ST and paired it successfully on the first try. Bulb works fine. Paired and unpaired multiple times on ST with no issues. Went back to OH3 … tried again with the exact same outcome.

I see in the log:

2021-07-23 08:35:15.861 [ERROR] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Exception creating channels 
java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to class java.lang.Long (java.lang.Integer and java.lang.Long are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.serialization.DefaultSerializer.appendZigBeeType( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.field.AttributeReportingConfigurationRecord.serialize( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclFieldSerializer.serialize( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.clusters.general.ConfigureReportingCommand.serialize( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager.sendCommand( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager.send( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager.sendNextTransaction( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager.queueTransaction( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.transaction.ZigBeeTransactionManager.sendTransaction( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager.sendTransaction( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNode.sendTransaction( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeEndpoint.sendTransaction( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster.sendCommand( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster.sendCommand( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster.setReporting( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster.setReporting( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclAttribute.setReporting( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.zigbee.internal.converter.ZigBeeConverterMeteringSummationDelivered.initializeDevice( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler.initializeDevice( ~[bundleFile:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler.doNodeInitialisation( [bundleFile:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler$ [bundleFile:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler$ [bundleFile:?]
	at [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
	at [?:?]

Probably related to the issue, but I dont know.

Turned on Zigbee DEBUG and reran test - filtered for just the problem device:

2021-07-23 08:47:48.852 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Starting ZigBee device discovery

2021-07-23 08:47:48.854 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Creating ZigBee device zigbee:device with bridge zigbee:coordinator_ember:ZigBee_Bridge

2021-07-23 08:47:48.857 [INFO ] [g.discovery.internal.PersistentInbox] - Added new thing 'zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e' to inbox.

2021-07-23 08:47:48.861 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Node discovery not complete

2021-07-23 08:47:49.104 [DEBUG] [ding.zigbee.internal.ZigBeeDataStore] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee saving network state complete.

2021-07-23 08:47:48.857 [INFO ] [openhab.event.InboxAddedEvent ] - Discovery Result with UID 'zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e' has been added.

2021-07-23 08:47:52.887 [INFO ] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Starting ZigBee device discovery

2021-07-23 08:47:52.889 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Creating ZigBee device zigbee:device with bridge zigbee:coordinator_ember:ZigBee_Bridge

2021-07-23 08:47:52.892 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery start

2021-07-23 08:47:52.895 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery using basic cluster on endpoint 7839/1

2021-07-23 08:47:53.359 [DEBUG] [ding.zigbee.internal.ZigBeeDataStore] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee saving network state complete.

2021-07-23 08:47:54.010 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Date code failed

2021-07-23 08:47:54.012 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery using OTA cluster on endpoint 7839/1

2021-07-23 08:47:54.336 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery complete: {zigbee_logicaltype=END_DEVICE, zigbee_powerlevel=FULL, zigbee_manufacturercode=0x1160, modelId=E11-G13, zigbee_networkaddress=30777, zigbee_powersource=MAINS, zigbee_stkversion=0, zigbee_zclversion=1, vendor=sengled, zigbee_powermode=RECEIVER_ON_IDLE, zigbee_powersources=[MAINS], hardwareVersion=1, firmwareVersion=0x00000009, zigbee_applicationVersion=1}

2021-07-23 08:47:54.338 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Checking endpoint 1 channels

2021-07-23 08:47:56.335 [DEBUG] [er.ZigBeeChannelConverterFactoryImpl] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Removing channel zigbee:switch_onoff in favor of zigbee:switch_level

2021-07-23 08:47:56.340 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initializing channel zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e:B0CE18140338DC6E_1_meteringinstantdemand with org.openhab.binding.zigbee.internal.converter.ZigBeeConverterMeteringInstantaneousDemand@c32109

2021-07-23 08:47:56.341 [DEBUG] [ConverterMeteringInstantaneousDemand] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initialising electrical measurement cluster

2021-07-23 08:47:57.267 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initializing channel zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e:B0CE18140338DC6E_1_meteringsumdelivered with org.openhab.binding.zigbee.internal.converter.ZigBeeConverterMeteringSummationDelivered@1034d66

2021-07-23 08:47:57.268 [DEBUG] [eConverterMeteringSummationDelivered] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initialising electrical measurement cluster

2021-07-23 08:49:09.059 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initializing ZigBee thing handler zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e

2021-07-23 08:49:09.063 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Coordinator status changed to ONLINE.

2021-07-23 08:49:09.064 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Coordinator is ONLINE. Starting device initialisation.

2021-07-23 08:49:09.076 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Start initialising ZigBee Thing handler

2021-07-23 08:49:09.082 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery start

2021-07-23 08:49:09.083 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery using basic cluster on endpoint 7839/1

2021-07-23 08:49:09.035 [INFO ] [openhab.event.InboxRemovedEvent ] - Discovery Result with UID 'zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e' has been removed.

2021-07-23 08:49:09.047 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e' changed from UNINITIALIZED to INITIALIZING

2021-07-23 08:49:09.062 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e' changed from INITIALIZING to UNKNOWN

2021-07-23 08:49:10.163 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Date code failed

2021-07-23 08:49:10.165 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery using OTA cluster on endpoint 7839/1

2021-07-23 08:49:10.167 [DEBUG] [scovery.ZigBeeNodePropertyDiscoverer] - B0CE18140338DC6E: ZigBee node property discovery complete: {zigbee_logicaltype=END_DEVICE, zigbee_powerlevel=FULL, zigbee_manufacturercode=0x1160, modelId=E11-G13, zigbee_networkaddress=30777, zigbee_powersource=MAINS, zigbee_stkversion=0, zigbee_zclversion=1, vendor=sengled, zigbee_powermode=RECEIVER_ON_IDLE, zigbee_powersources=[MAINS], hardwareVersion=1, firmwareVersion=0x00000009, zigbee_applicationVersion=1}

2021-07-23 08:49:10.171 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Checking endpoint 1 channels

2021-07-23 08:49:10.643 [DEBUG] [er.ZigBeeChannelConverterFactoryImpl] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Removing channel zigbee:switch_onoff in favor of zigbee:switch_level

2021-07-23 08:49:10.644 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Dynamically created 3 channels

2021-07-23 08:49:10.647 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Updating thing definition as channels have changed from [] to [zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e:B0CE18140338DC6E_1_meteringinstantdemand, zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e:B0CE18140338DC6E_1_meteringsumdelivered, zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e:B0CE18140338DC6E_1_dimmer]

2021-07-23 08:49:10.695 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initializing device

2021-07-23 08:49:10.696 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initializing channel zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e:B0CE18140338DC6E_1_meteringinstantdemand with org.openhab.binding.zigbee.internal.converter.ZigBeeConverterMeteringInstantaneousDemand@11c2ea0

2021-07-23 08:49:10.697 [DEBUG] [ConverterMeteringInstantaneousDemand] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initialising electrical measurement cluster

2021-07-23 08:49:10.692 [INFO ] [penhab.event.FirmwareStatusInfoEvent] - Firmware status of thing zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e changed to UNKNOWN.

2021-07-23 08:49:11.612 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initializing channel zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e:B0CE18140338DC6E_1_meteringsumdelivered with org.openhab.binding.zigbee.internal.converter.ZigBeeConverterMeteringSummationDelivered@1b7c6cc

2021-07-23 08:49:11.613 [DEBUG] [eConverterMeteringSummationDelivered] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Initialising electrical measurement cluster

2021-07-23 08:49:12.005 [ERROR] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE18140338DC6E: Exception creating channels

2021-07-23 08:49:12.011 [INFO ] [ab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'zigbee:device:ZigBee_Bridge:b0ce18140338dc6e' changed from UNKNOWN to OFFLINE (HANDLER_INITIALIZING_ERROR)

Anyone else have this issue and any suggestions (other than toss the bulbs LOL)?

Please try the latest snapshot to see if it resolves this issue.

Thanks Chris. I’m running openHAB 3.2.0 Build #2454 now … same result. Also, used another bulb from my ST setup. Exact same result.

I noticed that it is installing a generic zigbee device. Large xml file (674kb).

Please can you provide a debug log showing what’s happening - I need to see the exception in line with the other debug - not separated out so I can see the exact timing in relation to other things the binding is doing.

I’d also suggest to use the latest binding - just to make sure that it was rebuilt since the changes were merged.

Thanks for you help Chris!

Here is the complete log starting when the discovery is kicked off … I see it keeps retrying to contact the device. I tried many times but the exception did not occur.

zigbee-error.log (677.8 KB)

Also, sorry but I’m not familiar with how force using the latest binding :frowning: … i’ll research that.

From the log i’m currently running:

262 │ Active │ 80 │ │ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZigBee Binding

I’m trying to understand the log and I am not sure what device I’m looking for. In the earlier log, the device has the address B0CE18140338DC6E but I can’t see this device in the new log - are you using a different bulb now?

There’s clearly a lot of problems in the log as there are a lot of timeouts. It’s hard to know really why this is - it could be that devices are leaving the network as the coordinator doesn’t support the right level of security, or it could be that there are RF comms issues.

What coordinator do you use? I can see it is an Ember, but what device exactly, and what firmware version?

I also see that you are using quite an old binding (ok, not really “old” - but the issue causing this exception will not be fixed as it is still from about 4 weeks ago). So you’ll need to work out how to update your system to the latest binding. However, I’m not sure that’s the only issue as this exception won’t impact devices not joining.

Sorry about that … yes its the second bulb which behaves the same … it is: B0CE18140338ABC5

Yes it is the Ember … its a Nortek dual Zwave & Zigbee dongle. I’m not sure how to determine the FW version.

This is the output from dmesg | grep tty

[    5.572743] usb 1-1.4: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0
[    5.581722] usb 1-1.4: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB1

Quick question: I’m running openHAB 3.2.0 Build #2454 … wouldn’t that have the latest binding?

The firmware version should be listed in the coordinator properties. It will be something like5.8.0.0 or If it’s 5.8, then this is quite old, but is the standard firmware and some new devices do not work properly with this due to the new requirements for Zigbee 3.0 security.

I’ve not looked to see what builds were created when - just looked at the date on your binding you provided above -:

This is dated 28th June - so around 4 weeks ago. The change was only made last week, so it won’t be included.

1 Like

Duh, sorry … I am at firmwareVersion … which I guess is ancient …

Just a reminder … these bulbs were working in a previous 3.x.x build.

Ok. Thanks for your patience while I’m learning … I found the Jenkins (openHAB-Zigbee #139 [Jenkins]) and downloaded the latest Zigbee snapshot, stopped Openhab, put the file in the Addon folder, restarted Openhab.

Obviously Im doing something wrong since the version of the Zigbee binding is not changing :frowning: I’ll take another stab in the morning.

Yes, typically this will not work with new devices as it is from before the Zigbee 3 standard was released.

Then I suspect the issue is an RF problem. The binding has little to do with the problems where the dongle can’t communicate with the device. I see a lot of transactions which complete with EMBER_DELIVER_FAILED which means the dongle can’t communicate with the device. Either it is leaving the network for some reason, or there are RF issues that are preventing communications. There’s very little the binding can do to influence these sort of things as this is all managed by the dongle.

The binding has changed very little from 3.0, so it if was working there, then probably something in your environment has changed.

That’s always possible, but in this case I dont think so. As a test I placed the system in a small enclosed room with the devices and reran the test with the exact same results. Also, I have other sensors and devices that don’t have this issues. Everything was working fine for months (with the bulb) as I have been getting familiar with OpenHab and writing scripts. The major change was going to 3.2 from 3.1.0 M3 …

Is 3.1.0 M3 still available somewhere that I could test, that would confirm it.

I don’t believe there were any major changes at all. There have been very very few changes to the binding over the past 6 or 8 months as I’ve been moving from the UK to New Zealand which has taken most of my time.

Again - this doesn’t seem to be a binding issue. The coordinator is reporting that it cannot communicate with the device, so that is either an RF problem, or the device has left the network. The binding doesn’t participate in this communication.

1 Like

Ok, I’ll look for other issues / reasons. thanks!

Hi Chris - Mystery has been solved.

I went back through the issue and one of your other points was whether “the right level of security” was being used. I looked through the configuration and found that I had changed the security level to “Allow all joins” … I guess thinking that would be less restrictive and might resolve the issue I was having with the other device I was trying to pair.

I went back to “allow only secure joins” and removed all the devices and started over. Everything joined as expected,

Just wanted to document this in case someone else steps on their own foot like I did :slight_smile:

Sorry for taking you down the binding path and thanks for assisting me, I learned several new things along the way as well.


Hi @Mr-JR, after pairing your Sengled bulbs, do you have a Metering Summation Delivered channel? The reason I ask is because this channel from my RGBW bulb is producing a warning message every time it updates. I see that your log contains a metering channel as well, so I want to check if you have any experience with this warning. It’s not causing any problem for me, just annoying to see it pop up every couple of minutes…

The Zigbee debug log looks like this when it happens:

2021-08-22 22:00:28.508 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE1814035289D2: Polling [zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_meteringsumdelivered, zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_meteringinstantdemand, zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_color, zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_colortemperature] channels...
2021-08-22 22:00:28.509 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE1814035289D2: Polling zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_meteringsumdelivered
2021-08-22 22:00:28.621 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE1814035289D2: Polling zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_meteringinstantdemand
2021-08-22 22:00:28.622 [DEBUG] [ConverterMeteringInstantaneousDemand] - B0CE1814035289D2: ZigBee attribute reports ZclAttribute [cluster=Metering, id=0, name=Current Summation Delivered, dataType=UNSIGNED_48_BIT_INTEGER, lastValue=296154, lastReportTime=Sun Aug 22 22:00:28 CDT 2021, implemented=true]
2021-08-22 22:00:28.622 [DEBUG] [eConverterMeteringSummationDelivered] - B0CE1814035289D2: ZigBee attribute reports ZclAttribute [cluster=Metering, id=0, name=Current Summation Delivered, dataType=UNSIGNED_48_BIT_INTEGER, lastValue=296154, lastReportTime=Sun Aug 22 22:00:28 CDT 2021, implemented=true]
2021-08-22 22:00:28.758 [DEBUG] [eConverterMeteringSummationDelivered] - B0CE1814035289D2: ZigBee attribute reports ZclAttribute [cluster=Metering, id=1024, name=Instantaneous Demand, dataType=SIGNED_24_BIT_INTEGER, lastValue=4, lastReportTime=Sun Aug 22 22:00:28 CDT 2021, implemented=true]
2021-08-22 22:00:28.759 [DEBUG] [ConverterMeteringInstantaneousDemand] - B0CE1814035289D2: ZigBee attribute reports ZclAttribute [cluster=Metering, id=1024, name=Instantaneous Demand, dataType=SIGNED_24_BIT_INTEGER, lastValue=4, lastReportTime=Sun Aug 22 22:00:28 CDT 2021, implemented=true]
2021-08-22 22:00:28.759 [DEBUG] [converter.ZigBeeBaseChannelConverter] - B0CE1814035289D2: Channel zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_meteringinstantdemand updated to 0
2021-08-22 22:00:28.759 [DEBUG] [ng.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeThingHandler] - B0CE1814035289D2: Updating ZigBee channel state zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2:B0CE1814035289D2_1_meteringinstantdemand to 0
2021-08-22 22:00:28.759 [DEBUG] [.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeIsAliveTracker] - IsAlive Tracker reset for handler with thingUID=zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2
2021-08-22 22:00:28.760 [DEBUG] [.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeIsAliveTracker] - IsAlive Tracker cancelled task for thingUID=zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2
2021-08-22 22:00:28.761 [DEBUG] [.zigbee.handler.ZigBeeIsAliveTracker] - IsAlive Tracker scheduled task for thingUID=zigbee:device:5dc0070c:b0ce1814035289d2 in 14430 seconds

And the log message that follows:

2021-08-22 22:00:28.623 [WARN ] [.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster] - 17F2/1: Exception when notifying attribute listener org.openhab.binding.zigbee.internal.converter.ZigBeeConverterMeteringSummationDelivered@1eebef3 of ZclAttribute [cluster=Metering, id=0, name=Current Summation Delivered, dataType=UNSIGNED_48_BIT_INTEGER, lastValue=296154, lastReportTime=Sun Aug 22 22:00:28 CDT 2021, implemented=true] with value 296154
java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Long cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer (java.lang.Long and java.lang.Integer are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
	at org.openhab.binding.zigbee.internal.converter.ZigBeeConverterMeteringSummationDelivered.attributeUpdated( ~[?:?]
	at com.zsmartsystems.zigbee.zcl.ZclCluster$ [bundleFile:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
	at [?:?]

@largepills Please ensure you are using the latest snapshot binding as this was fixed a little while back.

Hi @chris, I’m currently on 3.2.0 M1. I attempted to use the snapshot binding last week but it didn’t seem to work (I can’t remember if I successfully loaded the snapshot binding because there were a couple dependent jar files to download together…). I’ll try again just in case.

Once I upgrade to the latest snapshot, do I need to remove and add the thing to push the update? Or is the issue automatically resolved?

Thanks a bunch for the help!

1 Like

You shouldn’t need to do anything - just update the bundle to the latest snapshot. This was tested by another user so it should work ok (at least confirmed to resolve this issue on his meter).