Trrying to turn a device off after a certain amount of time

Examples of Expire Binding as a Timer:

I would wait for an error in the logs before I would blindly switch over to using !== and === verses != and == because the two are really two different operations and it is not entirely clear to me yet exactly when the rules parser complains about it.

== calls the .equals method but === does a Java identity equals. Thus if I had:

val string1 = "foo"
val string2 = "foo"
operator result comment
string1 == string2 true compares each letter in the two strings
string1 != string2 false comares each letter in the two strings
string1 === string2 false determines if both variables point to the same place in memory
string1 !== string2 true determines if both variables point to different places in memory

As you can see, in this case, == and === produce exactly opposite results.

The reason why string1 === string2 doesn’t work as expected is because string1 and string2 are not literally the same object and === only compares the memory address the variables point to.

Unfortunately, this is something built into the base language and not something I think we can get rid of in OH 2, but were I king for a day I would find a way to make == smarter and do away with === because it is only going to continue to cause major headaches going forward.