TTS Channel fo Echo (flex) not working

I have installed and listened to some default sentences of Alexa.

But as far as I want to use the device as a TTS-only one, that part is not workling

2022-01-14 18:59:11.451 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent      ] - Item 'EchoFlex1Sprich' received command <speak>Ich will dir ein Geheimnis erzählen.<amazon:effect name="whispered">Ich bin nicht wirklich ein Mensch.</amazon:effect></speak>
2022-01-14 18:59:11.458 [INFO ] [penhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'EchoFlex1Sprich' predicted to become <speak>Ich will dir ein Geheimnis erzählen.<amazon:effect name="whispered">Ich bin nicht wirklich ein Mensch.</amazon:effect></speak>
2022-01-14 18:59:11.463 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'EchoFlex1Sprich' changed from  to <speak>Ich will dir ein Geheimnis erzählen.<amazon:effect name="whispered">Ich bin nicht wirklich ein Mensch.</amazon:effect></speak>
2022-01-14 18:59:12.642 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'EchoFlex1Sprich' changed from <speak>Ich will dir ein Geheimnis erzählen.<amazon:effect name="whispered">Ich bin nicht wirklich ein Mensch.</amazon:effect></speak> to 

I even send a simple String like “hallo” to amazonechocontrol:echo:amazonAccount:G0014*****:textToSpeech (String)

and set amazonechocontrol:echo:amazonAccount:G0014*****:textToSpeechVolume (Dimmer)
to a higher level. But can not hear anything.

May the “flex” not be supportet for TTS and is only (wrong) listed becouse it is from echofamily?

Which version of openHAB and the binding do you use? Do you see any error messages in the log related to your command?

Stable (3.2.0) binding was installed yesterday, so I guess the newest.
No error log onthe the info as posted above.

Did try a “reboot” of openhabian (is that command a bad idea?)
After restart all things were uninitialized (no error except of the corresponding rules)
did a “shutdown” and repowerd pi. Same issue: uninizialied
Then removed the “echo control binding” and suddenly all other bindings/thinks are working again.

I reinstalled it (dont touched the accountThing and the echoThing) an now even the TTS stuff works.
In my case it is a litte bit slow. So I hear “someText”, when the item changed from “someText” back to “” (last [INFO] line above).

So for my optionion to much done to identify the error :frowning:
Was it the restart?
Was it necessary to remove the binding to get the others working again?
Are there such known errors in the binding?
Was the removing and reinstall of the binding the part leading to success?

Although I love unix-distributions in this case I would exspect some more helpfull logs (visible where?)
Hopefully someone could put his two cents to such generic stuff or link me to topics to read.

Best regards David

To be honest: I have no idea. TTS works for me (but not with the sentence posted above, Alexa complains about problems with the “Simon Says EU skill” which I don’t have installed).

Rebooting should be fine and never lead to a situation where you have to uninstall bindings afterwards.

The removal/re-install of the binding SHOULD not change anything (if the original binding wasn’t corrupted, but I doubt it would run at all then).

There are known issues in the amazonechocontrol binding, but not related to TTS.

<speak>I want to tell you a secret.<amazon:effect name="whispered">I am not a real human.</amazon:effect></speak>

Working fine.

But I could reconstruct your issue “Simon … Skill”
f.e. trying so split and conquer parts of the command

<speak>I want to tell you a secret.</speak><speak><amazon:effect name="whispered">I am not a real human.</amazon:effect></speak>

May exist more of them, but Alexas SSML allows only one <speak> as root. (Or maybee something that is capsulating them under a new root node.

OOTB, Copy and Pasting the given examples work all. (In DE)

Funny. It works from rules, but not from the Karaf console.