Tuya WiFi lightbulbs Thing continuously going offline and online, never staying online

Hello all! First of all, thank you for the incredibly amazing work you guys doing for free.

So: I have a lot of Things, many of them are devices from Tuya and most of them are working fine. All but three. These are the devices:

  • 2x Antela Filament A60
  • 1x Beghelli WIFI GOC 11W DYNAMIC WHITE

These three don’t work: the Things, correctly discovered by the Smarthome/J binding, are continuosly going ONLINE and OFFLINE.

What is driving me crazy is that I have 2 more identical lightbulbs from Beghelli and those work fine!!!

But let’s get to the logs…

This is for the Beghelli:

18:10:02.628 [DEBUG] [a.internal.local.handlers.TuyaEncoder] - bfff068506f7e2fe9bgrkz/ Sending payload A97359F5E7E214B41E8DBC7B0DBAEE1B
18:10:02.630 [TRACE] [a.internal.local.handlers.TuyaEncoder] - bfff068506f7e2fe9bgrkz/ Sending encoded '000055AA00000001000000030000004480E7A391E8A7897172D124F9D4FE83DF2A4A4CC0129135D9E75C45F1710626C1F4FF1F0EA6A028813EB091DC0F3EFFE374C8EEF7BF1494472A3D8DB1F289EF540000AA55'
18:10:02.632 [DEBUG] [nal.local.handlers.TuyaMessageHandler] - bfff068506f7e2fe9bgrkz/ Connection established.
18:10:02.635 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tuya:tuyaDevice:bfff068506f7e2fe9bgrkz' changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE
18:10:02.636 [DEBUG] [nal.local.handlers.TuyaMessageHandler] - bfff068506f7e2fe9bgrkz/ Connection terminated.
18:10:02.639 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tuya:tuyaDevice:bfff068506f7e2fe9bgrkz' changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE

This is for the 2 Antelas. I’m posting only one but the other is the same:

18:30:00.590 [DEBUG] [a.internal.local.handlers.TuyaEncoder] - bf3eef358c3d7d51dcxlvp/ Sending payload 3577ED9A2A6DDFE5D7D2CA9657EB710D
18:30:00.595 [TRACE] [a.internal.local.handlers.TuyaEncoder] - bf3eef358c3d7d51dcxlvp/ Sending encoded '000055AA00000001000000030000004439A077E1A4116C1D4D92512335C954E3CD23E7F004CD8F6E440B0EF458FA2C137793172B580A1819FE52E7D40BE6F6DF35058125A6DD61D700DB0A76F6B44A0A0000AA55'
18:30:00.601 [DEBUG] [nal.local.handlers.TuyaMessageHandler] - bf3eef358c3d7d51dcxlvp/ Connection established.
18:30:00.607 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tuya:tuyaDevice:bf3eef358c3d7d51dcxlvp' changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE
18:30:00.697 [DEBUG] [nal.local.handlers.TuyaMessageHandler] - bf3eef358c3d7d51dcxlvp/ Connection terminated.
18:30:00.702 [INFO ] [hab.event.ThingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - Thing 'tuya:tuyaDevice:bf3eef358c3d7d51dcxlvp' changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE

I went through this topic and some others, but none of the recommended steps worked :frowning:
WiFi signal is not the issue, as I’ve even tried physically moving the bulbs right in front of the router. Rebooting also didn’t change anything.

I don’t know what to do. Any advice?

I’m running openHAB 4.3.1 on openHabian on a RPi 3b+, uname -r output is 6.6.62+rpt-rpi-v7

Thanks! :crossed_fingers:

Any help? I think I’ve included everything in the post. If I’m missing something please tell me.