Ubiquiti Unifi Binding Feature Discussion

My thing for the controller uses site=“default” and same with the things (they have no site defined). THis had been working.

But not sure if there’s a combination here I need to change.

Here’s mine.

2018-10-18 16:35:57.829 [DEBUG] [org.openhab.binding.unifi.internal.UniFiController] -   UniFiClient{mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:3b:97', hostname: 'null', wired: false, device: UniFiDevice{mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:39:5f', name: 'ap1-md (Kitchen)', model: 'U7LR', site: Site{name: 'MD House', path: '2dkemqdw'}}}

Since my controller spans multiple sites, I use the site names in the client Thing config.

Edit: But I don’t see where this would matter.

Have you tried restarting your Controller?

Wait! There is no site config parameter on the controller Thing; it’s only on the client Things.

Just tried. No difference. Still reporting stuff in the binding as wored

REmoved that, no difference

Bridge unifi:controller:nazgul "Unifi Controller: Home" @ "Nazgul" [ host="unifi", username="admin", password="supersecretpassword", port=8443, refreshInterval=10]

        Thing client unifi_xiaomi   "Unifi: Xiaomi" @ "Nazgul" [  mac="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:23",site="Nazgul" ]

I’ve tried the thing with and without the site.

My Things are defined in PaperUI. I don’t use a .things file.

But, the only diff I see between your config and mine is that you don’t specify the Consider Home Interval in your client Thing config. But, I think there’s a default for that, and it shouldn’t have any bearing on the problem you’re having…

No I’ve been running this config for a while…but I have switched to a docker for unifi and a docker for openhab. But I can’t see how that can change things. I think the controller is reporting it correctly as I’ve got access ot the full api, and I can see for that device it’s definitely is_wired: False

{u'latest_assoc_time': 1539892219, u'tx_bytes': 4021, u'bssid': u'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:6b', u'ip': u'', u'site_id': u'5812b812e4b02d20789c9fb7', u'oui': u'XiaomiEl', u'rx_rate': 72109, u'ap_mac': u'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:6b', u'radio': u'ng', u'anomalies': 0, u'first_seen': 1537000371, u'usergroup_id': u'', u'qos_policy_applied': True, u'uptime': 4826, u'is_11r': False, u'user_id': u'5b9cc3b36662b806258a5b31', u'fixed_ip': u'', u'hostname': u'lumi-gateway-v3_miio87296016', u'tx_bytes-r': 0, u'authorized': True, u'powersave_enabled': False, u'tx_packets': 22, u'assoc_time': 1539892219, u'channel': 11, u'radio_proto': u'ng', u'rx_packets': 573, u'noise': -106, **u'is_wired': False**, u'radio_name': u'wifi0', u'rx_bytes-r': 104, u'mac': u'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:23', u'dhcpend_time': 2400, u'rssi': 40, u'_uptime_by_uap': 4826, u'tx_rate': 65000, u'name': u'Xiaomi-Hub', u'satisfaction': 85, u'_is_guest_by_uap': False, u'rx_bytes': 86361, u'network_id': u'5812b816e4b02d20789c9fbc', u'idletime': 1, u'signal': -56, u'ccq': 991, u'use_fixedip': True, u'_last_seen_by_uap': 1539897045, u'vlan': 0, u'essid': u'NazgulNetwork', u'tx_power': 40, u'bytes-r': 104, u'is_guest': False, u'_id': u'5b9cc3b36662b806258a5b31', u'noted': True, u'last_seen': 1539897045}

Any ideas what the code is looking for to device is wired or not? I’d assume the same field.

What version of the binding are you running? I’m on this one.

189 │ Active   │  80 │     │ org.openhab.binding.unifi

not that one.,… :grinning:

The latest I see is from here https://github.com/mgbowman/openhab2-addons/releases is 2.2

Has it been incorporated into the offical repository?

So I currently have org.openhab.binding.unifi-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar on my addons folder.

latest build is here: https://jenkins.otr.mx/job/openhab2-unifi-binding-v2/

I am running

openhab> bundle:list -s |grep unifi
190 x Active   x  80 x     x org.openhab.binding.unifi

but I still use 5.6.40 Controller because of my AP-AC Outdoor (it goes EoL after 5.6.x)

no :frowning:

Not yet. But the version I’m running is from the Pull Request.

Important: The online channel changed from a Contact to a Switch. If you install this version, you’ll need to update your items, as well as change any rules that check for OPEN/CLOSED to OFF/ON.

Ugh. I thought I had the latest. :frowning:

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Oh, so which one is it now, a switch or contact? Though mine seems to be happy with a contact item.

As part of the review process of the PR, Kai asked Matt to change it from a Contact to a Switch. So, in the lastest versions it’s a Switch.

Ok, and that’s the one in the PR…but that’s not the same version as from jenkins?


Use a Switch

Here are my items:

/* Unifi Items */

Switch		S8_PRES	"S8 Presence [MAP(Unifi.map):%s]"	<switch>		(gUnifi)	{channel="unifi:client:Unifi_HomeR:S8:online"}
String		S8_AP	"S8 AP [%s]"				<qualityofservice>	(gUnifi)	{channel="unifi:client:Unifi_HomeR:S8:ap"}
Number		S8_RSSI	"S8 RSSI [%s]"				<qualityofservice>	(gUnifi)	{channel="unifi:client:Unifi_HomeR:S8:rssi"}
Number		S8_UPTM	"S8 Uptime [%d]"			<time>			(gUnifi)	{channel="unifi:client:Unifi_HomeR:S8:uptime"}
String		S8_UPTF	"S8 Uptime F [%s]"			<time>			(gUnifi)
DateTime	S8_TIME	"S8 Last Seen [%1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]"	<time>			(gUnifi)	{channel="unifi:client:Unifi_HomeR:S8:lastSeen"}



nice trick to display properly the uptime:


rule "Format S8 Uptime Display"
	Item S8_UPTM changed
	var int days = ((S8_UPTM.state as DecimalType).intValue / (86400))
	var int hours = (((S8_UPTM.state as DecimalType).intValue / 3600) - (24 * days))
	var int minutes = (((S8_UPTM.state as DecimalType).intValue / 60) - ((1440 * days) + (60 * hours)))
	var int seconds = (((S8_UPTM.state as DecimalType).intValue) - ((86400 * days) + (3600 * hours) + (60 * minutes)))
	var String result = ""
	if (days > 0) { result = result + days + "d, " }
	if (hours > 0) { result = result + hours + "h, " }
	if (minutes > 0) { result = result + minutes + "m, " }
	if (seconds > 0) { result = result + seconds + "s" }		

then put the formatted item (S8_UPTF) on your sitemap

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