Ubiquiti Unifi Binding Feature Discussion

What version of openHAB and/or the binding are you using?

openHAB 3.4.4 Release BuildUniFi binding (beta) [3.2.0,4.0.0)

25 Januari 2023

  • Added channels name and hostname to client things

I’m verry sure it was also the same in openHAB 3.4.3


is the “Consider Home Interval” only how long from lastseen until the client is off (as implied in the documentation) or also how long he needs to be online before the binding is set to on.

Response time seems to imply the latter.

Hello together,

I recently installed the binding but cannot make it work by any means: The Pi becomes unresponsive after a couple of hours, every time I enable the plugin (until then, the plugin works for presence detection of the wifi clients). I reproduced this error reliably multiple times such that I am sure, it is definitely related to the binding as no other changes have been made to the system. Currently, I try to get an idea where to look for the issue. Maybe someone has a hint for me what to tweak/where to look closer or could at least confirm that a similar setup is working somewhere:

All running on docker on a single Raspberry Pi 4. For Mongo DB I can not go higher with the version as the newer ones are not supporting the PI4 hardware. I see a lot of errors in the syslogs but all seem to be related to the fact that the Pi runs out of memory (I guess).

From syslog I can see a lot of errors around the time where the Pi becomes unresponsive such as those:

Jan 23 07:40:13 testpi dockerd[656]: time="2024-01-23T07:40:12.913620909+01:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
Jan 23 07:40:13 testpi dockerd[656]: time="2024-01-23T07:40:12.913884129+01:00" level=error msg="stream copy error: reading from a closed fifo"
Jan 23 07:40:13 testpi dockerd[656]: time="2024-01-23T07:40:12.915568838+01:00" level=warning msg="Health check for container 54f19069d76ecc490eb7748eb2aa6828dcf96df8c6029c4f5d492a1df53e74b3 error: context deadline exceeded"

From the openhab and unificontroller logs, there is nothing to see. From mongo DB logs I can spot only this error multiple times:

{"t":{"$date":"2024-02-02T22:55:05.710+00:00"},"s":"I",  "c":"NETWORK",  "id":22989,   "ctx":"conn70","msg":"Error sending response to client. Ending connection from remote","attr":{"error":{"code":9001,"codeName":"SocketException","errmsg":"Broken pipe"},"remote":"","connectionId":70}}

Here is the openhab config:

Switch       testHandy           "test  [MAP(unifi.map):%s]" (gAnwesend)             { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:online" }
String       testHandySite       "test : Site [%s]"                      { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:site" }
String       testHandyMAC        "test : MAC [%s]"                       { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:macAddress" }
String       testHandyIP         "test : IP [%s]"                        { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:ipAddress" }
String       testHandyAP         "test : AP [%s]"                        { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:ap" }
String       testHandyESSID      "test : ESSID [%s]"                     { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:essid" }
Number:Power testHandyRSSI       "test : RSSI [%d dBm]"                  { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:rssi" }
Number:Time  testHandyUptime     "test : Uptime [%1$tR]"                 { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:uptime" }
DateTime     testHandyLastSeen   "test : Last Seen [%1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]"  { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:lastSeen" }
Switch       testHandyBlocked    "test : Blocked"                        { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:blocked" }
Switch       testHandyReconnect  "test : Reconnect"                      { channel="unifi:wirelessClient:home:testHandy:reconnect" }

Bridge unifi:controller:home "UniFi Controller" [ host="unificontroller", port=8443, unifios=false, username="xx", password="xxx", refresh=10 ] {
Thing wirelessClient testHandy "test Handy" [ cid="xxx", site="default", considerHome=120 ]

Thanks a lot for any ideas :slight_smile:


I cannot switch POE ON / OFF anymore.
It worked one time after i installed the binding (a week ago) and now it does not accept my write requests. Status reading is no problem.

I am experiencing the same.

Solved it by buying a arm64 tiny PC with more RAM than the RPI.

I cannot believe RAM is the issue … my OH instance is running on a synology server with 16 gb ram.