UI Logviewer Play didn't work


i use OH 4.3.2 and i would like to use the new UI log viewer.
When i press PLAY, nothing happen.
Do i miss something?

same problem here

Are you connecting to a local instance, or via the cloud connector? The log viewer is currently not supported by the cloud connector.

i am local connected.

And just to confirm that you are accessing via the local IP address and not myopenhab? Sorry if it seems I’m repeating pretty much the same question, but last time someone had problems connecting to the log viewer they thought they were connecting locally, but they always used myopenhab…

I’d suggest to bring up the debug console in your browser. When you load the page you should see the web socket connection opening in the network tab and it would be useful to see if theirs is any error.

Also, are you accessing the UI/LogViewer through a reverse proxy?
In my case, it only works when I use the local IP with the port directly.