UI Still Says openHAB 4.0.3 even though I updated

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: VMWare ESXi
    • OS: FreeBSD 13.2
    • Java Runtime Environment: which java platform is used and what version
    • openHAB version: openjdk 17.0.9 2023-10-17

I downloaded the update from 4.0.3 to 4.1.2, everything works okay, but the Web UI still shows 4.0.3 when I go to about.

I tried the same thing with a snapshot (4.2-SNAPSHOT), same result.

Does the upgrade tool need to be run? I do not see and commands that look like are necessary according to the upgrade docs (Installation Overview | openHAB).

1 Like

On the UI sidebar, go to β€œHelp & About”, scroll down and try β€œReload App” or β€œClear Cache and Reload”.

That should fix it.

No luck. Is there some cache or configs server side in the userdata folder that I need to clear/update?

Can you please check what



Hmm, says 4.0.3.

  "version": "5",
  "locale": "en_US",
  "measurementSystem": "US",
  "runtimeInfo": {
    "version": "4.0.3",
    "buildString": "Release Build"
  "links": [
      "type": "systeminfo",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/systeminfo"
      "type": "persistence",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/persistence"
      "type": "things",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/things"
      "type": "voice",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/voice"
      "type": "items",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/items"
      "type": "sitemaps",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/sitemaps"
      "type": "config-descriptions",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/config-descriptions"
      "type": "auth",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/auth"
      "type": "tags",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/tags"
      "type": "channel-types",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/channel-types"
      "type": "habpanel",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/habpanel"
      "type": "iconsets",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/iconsets"
      "type": "services",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/services"
      "type": "templates",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/templates"
      "type": "profile-types",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/profile-types"
      "type": "logging",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/logging"
      "type": "actions",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/actions"
      "type": "links",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/links"
      "type": "events",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/events"
      "type": "audio",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/audio"
      "type": "transformations",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/transformations"
      "type": "inbox",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/inbox"
      "type": "addons",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/addons"
      "type": "spec",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/spec"
      "type": "uuid",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/uuid"
      "type": "ui",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/ui"
      "type": "rules",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/rules"
      "type": "module-types",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/module-types"
      "type": "thing-types",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/thing-types"
      "type": "discovery",
      "url": "http://openhab-server:8080/rest/discovery"

Here’s the running process:

openhab 1100   0.0 30.7 2445264 634004  -  I    11:47     3:00.05 |   `-- /usr/local/openjdk17/bin/java -XX:-UsePerfData -Dopenhab.home=/usr/local/libexec/openhab -Dopenhab.conf=/usr/local/etc/openhab -Dopenhab.runtime=/usr/local/libexec/openhab/runtime -Dopenhab.userdata=/var/db/openhab/userdata -Dopenhab.logdir=/var/log/openhab -Dfelix.cm.dir=/var/db/openhab/userdata/config -Djava.library.path=/var/db/openhab/userdata/tmp/lib -Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true -Djetty.host= -Djetty.http.compliance=RFC2616 -Dorg.apache.cxf.osgi.http.transport.disable=true -Dorg.ops4j.pax.web.listening.addresses= -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8080 -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port.secure=8443 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dgnu.io.rxtx.SerialPorts=/dev/cuau0 -Dsun.nio.fs.watchservice=polling -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dsun.nio.fs.watchservice=polling --add-reads=java.xml=java.logging --add-exports=java.base/org.apache.karaf.specs.locator=java.xml,ALL-UNNAMED --patch-module java.base=/usr/local/libexec/openhab/runtime/lib/endorsed/org.apache.karaf.specs.locator-4.4.5.jar --patch-module java.xml=/usr/local/libexec/openhab/runtime/lib/endorsed/org.apache.karaf.specs.java.xml-4.4.5.jar --add-opens java.base/java.security=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.naming/javax.naming.spi=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.rmi/sun.rmi.transport.tcp=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.io=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.file=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.ftp=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.http=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.https=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.protocol.jar=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/sun.net.www.content.text=ALL

Here’s the SHA1 sum of the binary:

7debec3431d5a7834bdca4534a6ff613c9e0f272  /usr/local/libexec/openhab/runtime/bin/karaf

If you need me to check other files, let me know which ones.

Can you please check the start of /var/log/openhab/openhab.log? openHAB logs it’s version on start up

Wow, this is bizarre. Log says 4.0.3, but I know for sure I grabbed the snapshot from https://ci.openhab.org/job/openHAB-Distribution/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/distributions/openhab/target/openhab-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.zip

2024-03-29 13:24:34.966 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.Activator          ] - Starting openHAB 4.0.3 (build Release Build)
2024-03-29 13:24:35.485 [INFO ] [.core.internal.i18n.I18nProviderImpl] - Time zone set to 'America/New_York'.
2024-03-29 13:24:35.496 [INFO ] [.core.internal.i18n.I18nProviderImpl] - Location set to '26.1735317469855,-81.74735248088838'.
2024-03-29 13:24:35.498 [INFO ] [.core.internal.i18n.I18nProviderImpl] - Locale set to 'en_US'.
2024-03-29 13:24:49.689 [INFO ] [.core.model.lsp.internal.ModelServer] - Started Language Server Protocol (LSP) service on port 5007
2024-03-29 13:24:51.805 [WARN ] [.transport.servlet.ServletController] - Can't find the request for http://openhab-server:8080/rest/events's Observer 
2024-03-29 13:24:55.965 [INFO ] [e.automation.internal.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule engine started.
2024-03-29 13:24:59.788 [INFO ] [ab.ui.habpanel.internal.HABPanelTile] - Started HABPanel at /habpanel
2024-03-29 13:25:00.760 [INFO ] [zwave.handler.ZWaveControllerHandler] - Attempting to add listener when controller is null
2024-03-29 13:25:00.805 [INFO ] [zwave.handler.ZWaveControllerHandler] - Attempting to add listener when controller is null
2024-03-29 13:25:05.838 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave controller
2024-03-29 13:25:05.839 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - ZWave timeout is set to 5000ms. Soft reset is false.
2024-03-29 13:25:05.856 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Starting ZWave controller
2024-03-29 13:25:05.865 [INFO ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - ZWave timeout is set to 5000ms. Soft reset is false.
2024-03-29 13:25:06.086 [WARN ] [nal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 6: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
2024-03-29 13:25:06.087 [WARN ] [nal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 6: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
2024-03-29 13:25:06.088 [WARN ] [nal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 6: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
2024-03-29 13:25:06.089 [WARN ] [nal.protocol.ZWaveTransactionManager] - NODE 6: Not initialized (ie node unknown), ignoring message.
2024-03-29 13:25:10.010 [WARN ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - NODE 6: Restore from config: Error. Data invalid, ignoring config.
2024-03-29 13:25:11.619 [WARN ] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - NODE 9: Restore from config: Error. Data invalid, ignoring config.

If I rename my userdata folder and get a fresh copy from the downloaded zip, it does show the correct version:

2024-03-29 13:42:58.156 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.Activator          ] - Starting openHAB 4.2.0 (Build #4014)

Is there a way to have my installation β€˜updated’ without having to reconfigure everything and start over?

In the user data folder, after having stopped openHab, remove/rename the cache and tmp folders.
Restart openHAB and you should be sorted.

It didn’t like that I did both tmp and cache:

Error installing bundle listed in startup.properties with url: mvn:org.apache.karaf.features/org.apache.karaf.features.extension/4.4.4 and startlevel: 1

I tried just renaming tmp. That at least allowed it to start, but it didn’t change anything. Looks like moving the cache folder keeps it from starting.

Also checked via the console, they all say 4.0.3:

                           _   _     _     ____
   ___   ___   ___   ___  | | | |   / \   | __ )
  / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_| |  / _ \  |  _ \
 | (_) | (_) |  __/| | | ||  _  | / ___ \ | |_) )
  \___/|  __/ \___/|_| |_||_| |_|/_/   \_\|____/
       |_|       4.1.0 - Release Build

Use '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
To exit, use '<ctrl-d>' or 'logout'.

openhab> bundle:list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
 ID β”‚ State  β”‚ Lvl β”‚ Version                β”‚ Name
 30 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.1                 β”‚ Jackson-annotations
 31 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.1                 β”‚ Jackson-core
 32 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.1                 β”‚ jackson-databind
 33 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.1                 β”‚ Jackson-dataformat-YAML
 34 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.1                 β”‚ Jackson datatype: JSR310
 35 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 6.2.6                  β”‚ Woodstox
 36 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.9.1                  β”‚ Gson
 37 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 30.1.0.jre             β”‚ Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java
 38 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.1                  β”‚ Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures
 39 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 5.0.1.v20210324-2015   β”‚ Google Guice - Core Library
 40 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 5.12.1                 β”‚ jna
 41 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 5.12.1                 β”‚ jna-platform
 43 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.8.149.v20220915-0556 β”‚ ClassGraph
 44 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.18.0                 β”‚ Directory-Watcher
 45 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.9                  β”‚ swagger-annotations
 46 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.9                  β”‚ swagger-core
 47 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.9                  β”‚ swagger-integration
 48 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.9                  β”‚ swagger-jaxrs2
 49 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.9                  β”‚ swagger-models
 51 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.0.2                  β”‚ Jakarta Bean Validation API
 53 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.3.3                  β”‚ Jakarta XML Web Services API
 54 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.2                    β”‚ javax.annotation API
 55 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.5.8                  β”‚ JmDNS
 56 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.3                  β”‚ Units of Measurement API
 58 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.5.10                 β”‚ Jollyday
 59 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.2.0.v201101311130    β”‚ ANTLR Runtime
 60 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.0.v201105210816    β”‚ Aopalliance Plug-in
 61 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.2.2                  β”‚ org.apache.aries.component-dsl.component-dsl
 62 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.1                  β”‚ Apache Aries JAX-RS Specification API
 63 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.0.0                  β”‚ Apache Aries JAX-RS Whiteboard
 64 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.3.6                  β”‚ Apache Aries SPI Fly Dynamic Weaving Bundle
 65 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.12.0                 β”‚ Apache Commons Lang
 66 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.4.5                  β”‚ Apache CXF Core
 67 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.4.5                  β”‚ Apache CXF Runtime JAX-RS Frontend
 68 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.4.5                  β”‚ Apache CXF JAX-RS Client
 69 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.4.5                  β”‚ Apache CXF JAX-RS Server-Side Events Support
 70 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.4.5                  β”‚ Apache CXF Runtime Security functionality
 71 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.4.5                  β”‚ Apache CXF Runtime HTTP Transport
 77 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.4.3                  β”‚ Apache Karaf :: OSGi Services :: Event
 88 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚                β”‚ Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: javax.inject
 95 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.2.5                  β”‚ XmlSchema Core
 96 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.9.3                  β”‚ jose4j
 97 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.17.0.v20190920-0401  β”‚ EMF Common
 98 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.20.0.v20190920-0401  β”‚ EMF Ecore
 99 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.14.0.v20190528-0725  β”‚ EMF Change Model
100 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.16.0.v20190528-0725  β”‚ EMF XML/XMI Persistence
101 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.13.0.v20200828-1034  β”‚ Common Eclipse Runtime
103 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: ALPN :: Client
104 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: ALPN :: JDK9 Client Implementation
110 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: HTTP2 :: Client
117 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: Proxy
125 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: Websocket :: API
126 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: Websocket :: Client
127 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: Websocket :: Common
128 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: Websocket :: Server
129 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.50.v20221201       β”‚ Jetty :: Websocket :: Servlet Interface
131 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.19.0.v20221118-0359  β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j
132 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 0.19.0.v20221118-0359  β”‚ org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc
133 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0915  β”‚ Xtend Runtime Library
134 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0915  β”‚ Xtend Macro Interfaces
135 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0917  β”‚ Xtext
136 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0924  β”‚ Xtext Common Types
137 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0917  β”‚ Xtext IDE Core
138 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0917  β”‚ Xtext Utility
139 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0924  β”‚ Xbase Model
140 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0924  β”‚ Xbase Generic IDE Services
141 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.29.0.v20221121-0915  β”‚ Xbase Runtime Library
145 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.0                  β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.commons
146 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.0                  β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.tree
147 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.0                  β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis
148 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 9.4.0                  β”‚ org.objectweb.asm.util
149 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.0.0                  β”‚ Fixes for the java.base module
150 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Core
151 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Add-on XML
152 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Marketplace Add-on Services
153 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Community Marketplace Add-on Service :: Karaf
154 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Audio
155 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: JAAS Authentication
156 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: OAuth2Client
157 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation
158 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation Media Modules
159 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation Script Modules
160 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation Script RuleSupport
161 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Automation REST API
162 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Core
163 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Discovery
164 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration mDNS Discovery
165 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Dispatcher
166 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Ephemeris
167 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: ID
168 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Console
169 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Console for OSGi runtime Karaf
170 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: HTTP Interface
171 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: HTTP Interface Authentication
173 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Monitor
174 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Network I/O
175 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST Interface
176 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Audio REST Interface
177 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Authentication Support for the REST Interface
178 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST Interface :: Core
179 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST mDNS Announcer
180 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Sitemap REST Interface
181 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: SSE Interface
182 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: REST Interface :: Swagger 1
183 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Transformation REST Interface
184 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: UI REST Interface
185 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Voice REST Interface
186 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: mDNS Service
187 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: WebSocket
188 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Karaf Integration
189 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Core
190 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Items
191 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Item IDE
192 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Items Runtime
193 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Language Server
194 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Persistence
195 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Persistence IDE
196 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Persistence Runtime
197 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Rules
198 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Rule IDE
199 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Rules Runtime
200 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Script
201 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Script IDE
202 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Script Runtime
203 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Sitemap
204 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Sitemap IDE
205 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Sitemap Runtime
206 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Thing
207 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Thing IDE
208 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Model Thing Runtime
209 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Persistence
210 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Semantics
211 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: JSON Storage
212 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Thing
213 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Transformation Service
214 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: UI
215 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: UI Icon Support
216 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Voice
217 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: Main UI
218 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: Icon Set :: Classic
228 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚     β”‚ org.osgi:org.osgi.service.jaxrs
229 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.5.0                  β”‚ ThreeTen-Extra
230 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.33.0                 β”‚ SnakeYAML
231 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1                    β”‚ SI Units
232 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.0                  β”‚ SI Quantities
233 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.2.1                  β”‚ Stax2 API
234 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.2                  β”‚ Units of Measurement Reference Implementation
235 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.1.0                  β”‚ Units of Measurement Common Library for Java
236 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 1.4.20                 β”‚ XStream Core
237 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 5.2.1.OH1              β”‚ nrjavaserial
238 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 3.9.0                  β”‚ Apache Commons Net
239 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 2.7.1.OH1              β”‚ JUPnP Library
240 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: OpenGarage Binding
241 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Wemo Binding
242 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding
243 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration UPnP Discovery
244 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration USB-Serial Discovery
245 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration USB-Serial Discovery for Linux using sysfs scanning
246 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration USB-Serial Discovery using ser2net mDNS scanning
247 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Configuration Serial
248 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Serial Transport
249 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Serial Transport for RXTX
250 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: Serial Transport for RFC2217
251 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Core :: Bundles :: UPnP Transport
252 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Persistence Service :: RRD4j
253 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: Basic UI
254 β”‚ Active β”‚  80 β”‚ 4.0.3                  β”‚ openHAB UI :: Bundles :: HABPanel UI

So looks like I need to somehow get my cache folder rebuilt, but for some reason OpenHAB is unable to do so.

Downgraded back to 4.1.2 and deleted the tmp and cache folders. OpenHAB started up correctly and appears to be showing the correct version

2024-03-30 00:00:38.879 [INFO ] [org.openhab.core.Activator          ] - Starting openHAB 4.1.0 (build Release Build)

Well… it almost worked

2024-03-30 00:09:51.151 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-persistence-rrd4j, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-binding-opengarage, openhab-binding-wemo, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-binding-zwave': Resource has no uri
2024-03-30 00:09:52.511 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed to refresh bundles after processing config update
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Resource has no uri

Reset my userdata/etc folder and all seems well. Will try again with another 4.2-SNAPSHOT.

Why do you directly download the ZIP from Jenkins? We have packages for most Linux distributions …

Theirs no snapshot package for FreeBSD, but I can check with the package maintainer (FreshPorts -- misc/openhab: Vendor and technology agnostic open source smart-home software) to see if they are interested in making one.

Since we are on the subject, it could be helpful to add FreeBSD to the download page at Download openHAB | openHAB. I’d be happy to write up the instructions.

Similar here, updated from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 and the WebUI shows

openHAB 4.1.1

in the β€œHelp & About” menu. Hitting the β€œReload App” link on the same page does not change that.

Running openhab-cli info does show

Version: 4.1.2 (Build)


I guess that would be a larger effort as it would require the package maintainer to continuously check for new snapshots and build and publish a new package probably using a CI pipeline.

Another option would be to have a official openHAB BSD package like we have a Linux package (GitHub - openhab/openhab-linuxpkg: Repo for Linux packages). Then our CI servers could also build and publish the BSD package the same time the Linux package and Docker image are built and published.

The download instructions are coded into this Vue component: https://github.com/openhab/website/blob/main/.vuepress/components/InstallInstructions.vue