UID naming convention? set or leave this random string?

is any pros/cons to set my own UIDs instead this random string?
if i set them more descriptive (just remove spaces) it is more readable in logs eg,
is any caveats in future of doing this?

Your UIDs will have meaning.
If you ever have to recreate the Thing, using the same UID will mean all your existing links to the Items will still work.

There is no reason I can think of to not change the UID.

yep, but for me is more convenient during creation name it like ‘lamp01’ instead ‘wrq2312we’

I too much prefer a descriptive naming. Here’s an example of some of my Thing’s UIDs

pretty cool, I think the same and it look auto UID is convenient to quick make test entities, and it is ok to have final versions descriptive named

it answers my doubts;]

thanks to ‘code’ tab, it is very easy to recreate entities

The only drawback of replacing the suggested UID is that, depending on the binding, you may find the same thing that you already added in the Inbox. This happens for the AVM binding, for example.

I usually rename the UID but if I want to change it later I rename it. I created a script to rename anything in openHab.

Below change from:
Screenshot from 2025-02-03 08-14-04

Screenshot from 2025-02-03 08-20-23