Unable to add to values? What I am doing wrong?

How do I add a variable to the state of on Number-Item?

The following script gives the errror 12:47:44.947 [ERROR] [.script.engine.ScriptExecutionThread] - Rule 'Heating Ian': An error occured during the script execution: Could not invoke method: org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.ObjectExtensions.operator_plus(java.lang.Object,java.lang.String) on instance: null

rule "Heating Ian"
  Item ZWave_Fire_Ian_Temperature changed or
  Item ian_solltemp changed
  var state = (heizung_5.state == ON)
  logInfo("HEAT.Ian", "Istzustand Heizung: " + state)
  var hysteresis = 0.5
  if (state) hysteresis = -0.5
  logInfo("HEAT.Ian", "Solltemperatur: " + ian_solltemp.state + " Hysterese: " + hysteresis)
  var actual_set = ian_solltemp.state + hysteresis
  logInfo("HEAT.Ian", "Ist-Solltemperatur: " + actual_set) 
  var on = (ZWave_Fire_Ian_Temperature.state < actual_set)
  logInfo("HEAT.Ian", "Sollzustand Heizung: " + on)
  var command = OFF
  if (on) command = ON
  if (state != on) sendCommand(heizung_5, command)