Unable to disable serial port for RaZberry Hat

By the way why do you want to do that ?
RPi3 can use BT and RaZberry if you move BT to the mini-UART.
That is what option 35 does now. It results in a line dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-btin /boot/config.txt.

In older versions menu 35 it disabled BT (dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt) but as that is not necessary 35 was now changed.

ah thats why we are confused i was in boot not etc

[03:07:59] openhabian@openhab:/etc$ sudo openhabian-config
2020-12-10_03:08:04_CET [openHABian] Checking for root privileges... OK
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/auth.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/backup.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/config.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/ext-storage.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/find.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/helpers.bash
++ ESC='\033['
++ COL_DEF='\033[39;49;00m'
++ COL_RED='\033[31;01m'
++ COL_GREEN='\033[32;01m'
++ COL_YELLOW='\033[33;01m'
++ COL_BLUE='\033[34;01m'
++ COL_MAGENTA='\033[35;01m'
++ COL_CYAN='\033[36;01m'
++ COL_LGRAY='\033[37;01m'
++ COL_DGRAY='\033[90;01m'
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/influxdb+grafana.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/java-jre.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/menu.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/nodejs-apps.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/openhab.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/openhabian.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/packages.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/system.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/vpn.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/wifi.bash
+ for shfile in "${BASEDIR:-/opt/openhabian}"/functions/*.bash
+ source /opt/openhabian/functions/zram.bash
++ pwd
+ OLDWD=/etc
+ cd /opt
+ config_ipv6
+ local aptConf=/etc/apt/apt.conf/S90force-ipv4
+ local sysctlConf=/etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
+ [[ enable == \d\i\s\a\b\l\e ]]
+ [[ enable == \e\n\a\b\l\e ]]
+ grep -qs '^[[:space:]]*# Disable all IPv6 functionality' /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ apt_update
+ PID_APT=12212
+ whiptail_check
+ apt-get update
++ command -v whiptail
+ [[ -x /usr/bin/whiptail ]]
+ load_create_config
+ local 'questionText=\nWelcome to openHABian!\n\nPlease provide the name of your Linux user i.e. the account you normally log in with.\n\nTypical user names are '\''pi'\'' or '\''ubuntu'\''.'
+ local input
+ [[ -f /etc/openhabian.conf ]]
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-10_03:08:05_CET [openHABian] Loading configuration file '\''/etc/openhabian.conf'\''... '
2020-12-10_03:08:05_CET [openHABian] Loading configuration file '/etc/openhabian.conf'... ++ getent group openhabian
+ [[ ! -n openhabian:x:1000:openhabian,frontail ]]
+ id -u openhabian
+ source /etc/openhabian.conf
++ hostname=openHABianDevice
++ username=openhabian
++ timezone=Europe/Berlin
++ locales='en_US.UTF-8 de_DE.UTF-8'
++ system_default_locale=en_US.UTF-8
++ wifi_ssid=
++ wifi_psk=
++ wifi_country=
++ ipv6=enable
++ repositoryurl=https://github.com/openhab/openhabian
++ clonebranch=stable
++ debugmode=maximum
++ cached_java_opt=Zulu8-32
++ java_opt=Zulu8-32
+ echo OK
+ openhabian_console_check
+ [[ -z 1 ]]
++ tput cols
+ [[ 120 -ge 120 ]]
+ return 0
+ openhabian_update_check
+ [[ -z 1 ]]
+ local branch
+ local introText
+ local unsupportedHWText
+ local unsupportedOSText
+ branch=stable
+ introText='Additions, improvements or fixes were added to the openHABian configuration tool. Would you like to update now and benefit from them? The update will not automatically apply changes to your system.\n\nUpdating is recommended.'
+ unsupportedHWText='You are running on old hardware that is no longer officially supported.\nopenHABian may still work with this or not.\nWe recommend that you replace your hardware with a current SBC such as a RPi4/2GB.\nDo you really want to continue using openHABian on this system?'
+ unsupportedOSText='You are running an old Linux release that is no longer officially supported.\nWe recommend upgrading to the most current stable release of your distribution (or current Long Term Support version for distributions that offer LTS).\nDo you really want to continue using openHABian on this system?'
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
++ get_git_revision
++ local branch
++ local latestTag
++ local revCount
++ local shorthash
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
++ branch=stable
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
++ latestTag=v1.6.1
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
+++ wc -l
++ revCount=963
+++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
++ shorthash=1fa8959
++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
+ echo '2020-12-10_03:08:05_CET [openHABian] openHABian configuration tool version: [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
2020-12-10_03:08:05_CET [openHABian] openHABian configuration tool version: [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-10_03:08:05_CET [openHABian] Checking for changes in origin branch stable... '
2020-12-10_03:08:05_CET [openHABian] Checking for changes in origin branch stable... + is_pine64
++ uname -r
+ [[ 5.4.51-v7+ =~ pine64-longsleep ]]
+ return 1
+ is_jessie
+ [[ '' == \j\e\s\s\i\e ]]
++ cat /etc/os-release
+ [[ PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" =~ jessie ]]
+ return 1
+ is_xenial
+ [[ '' == \x\e\n\i\a\l ]]
++ cat /etc/os-release
+ [[ PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" =~ xenial ]]
+ return 1
+ git -C /opt/openhabian config user.email openhabian@openHABian
+ git -C /opt/openhabian config user.name openhabian
+ git -C /opt/openhabian fetch --quiet origin
++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse stable
++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse '@{u}'
+ [[ 1fa89598a0d636b78270484530512ef60c81acdf == 1fa89598a0d636b78270484530512ef60c81acdf ]]
+ echo OK
+ openhabian_announcements
+ [[ -z 1 ]]
+ local newsFile
+ local readNews
+ newsFile=/opt/openhabian/NEWS.md
+ readNews=/opt/openhabian/docs/LASTNEWS.md
+ cmp --silent /opt/openhabian/NEWS.md /opt/openhabian/docs/LASTNEWS.md
++ cat /opt/openhabian/NEWS.md
+ whiptail --title 'openHABian announcements' --yes-button 'Stop Displaying' --no-button 'Keep Displaying' --defaultno --scrolltext --yesno 'Hit tab to unselect the buttons and scroll through the text using UP/DOWN or
All announcements will be stored in /opt/openhabian/docs/NEWSLOG.md for you to

## November 14, 2020
## WiFi Hotspot
Whenever your system has a WiFi interface that fails to initialize on installation or startup,
openHABian will now launch a [WiFi hotspot](docs/openhabian.md#WiFi-Hotspot) you can use to bootstrap WiFi i.e. to connect your
system to an existing WiFi network.

## October 28, 2020
## openHAB3 readiness (BETA)
openHABian now provides menu options 4X to upgrade your system to openHAB3 and to downgrade
back to current openHAB2 as well. See [documentation](docs/openhabian.md) for details.
Please be aware that openHAB3 as well as openHABian are not thoroughly tested so be prepared
to meet bugs and problems. Don'\''t use this on your production system.

## October 6, 2020
## Tailscale VPN network (BETA)
Tailscale is a management toolset to establish a WireGuard based VPN between multiple systems
if you want to connect to openHAB(ian) instances outside your LAN over Internet.
It'\''ll take care to detect and open ports when you and your peers are located behind firewalls.
This makes use of the tailscale service. Don'\''t worry, for private use it'\''s free of charge.

## October 1, 2020
## Offline installation (BETA)
We now allow for deploying openHABian to destination networks without Internet connectivity.
While the optional components still require access to download, the openHABian core is
fully contained in the download image and can be installed and run without Internet.
This will also provide a failsafe installation when any of the online sources for the tools
we need to download is unavailable for whatever reason.

## August 29, 2020
## Auto-backup
openHABian can automatically take daily syncs of your internal SD card to
another card in an external port. This allows for fast swapping of cards
to reduce impact of a failed SD card.
The remaining space on the external device can also be used to setup openHABian'\''s Amanda backup system.' 27 85
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-10_03:08:08_CET [openHABian] Switching to branch stable... '
2020-12-10_03:08:08_CET [openHABian] Switching to branch stable... + git -C /opt/openhabian checkout --quiet stable
+ echo OK
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ show_main_menu
+ local choice
+ local version
+++ get_git_revision
+++ local branch
+++ local latestTag
+++ local revCount
+++ local shorthash
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+++ branch=stable
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
+++ latestTag=v1.6.1
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
++++ wc -l
+++ revCount=963
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
+++ shorthash=1fa8959
+++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
++ whiptail --title 'Welcome to the openHABian Configuration Tool [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)' --menu 'Setup Options' 18 116 11 --cancel-button Exit --ok-button Execute '00 | About openHABian' 'Information about the openHABian project and this tool' '' '' '01 | Select Branch' 'Select the openHABian config tool version ("branch") to run' '02 | Upgrade System' 'Upgrade all installed software packages (incl. openHAB) to their latest version' '03 | openHAB Stable' 'Install or upgrade to the latest stable release of openHAB 2' '' '' '10 | Apply Improvements' 'Apply the latest improvements to the basic openHABian setup ►' '20 | Optional Components' 'Choose from a set of optional software components ►' '30 | System Settings' 'A range of system and hardware related configuration steps ►' '40 | openHAB related' 'Switch the installed openHAB version or apply tweaks ►' '50 | Backup/Restore' 'Manage backups and restore your system ►'
+ choice='30 | System Settings'
+ RET=0
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' 0 -eq 255 ']'
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == '' ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\0* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\1* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\2* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \0\3* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \1\0* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \2\0* ]]
+ [[ 30 | System Settings == \3\0* ]]
+++ get_git_revision
+++ local branch
+++ local latestTag
+++ local revCount
+++ local shorthash
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+++ branch=stable
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
+++ latestTag=v1.6.1
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
++++ wc -l
+++ revCount=963
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
+++ shorthash=1fa8959
+++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
+++ hostname
+++ env
+++ grep '^[[:space:]]*LANG='
+++ sed 's|LANG=||g'
+++ date +%H:%M
++ whiptail --title 'Welcome to the openHABian Configuration Tool [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)' --menu 'Setup Options' 24 118 17 --cancel-button Back --ok-button Execute '31 | Change hostname' 'Change the name of this system, currently '\''openhab'\''' '32 | Set system locale' 'Change system language, currently '\''en_US.UTF-8'\''' '33 | Set system timezone' 'Change the your timezone, execute if it'\''s not '\''03:08'\'' now' '   | Enable NTP' 'Enable time synchronization via systemd-timesyncd to NTP servers' '   | Disable NTP' 'Disable time synchronization via systemd-timesyncd to NTP servers' '34 | Change passwords' 'Change passwords for Samba, openHAB Console or the system user' '35 | Serial port' 'Prepare serial ports for peripherals like Razberry, SCC, Pine64 ZWave, ...' '36 | WiFi setup' 'Configure wireless network connection' '   | Disable WiFi' 'Disable wireless network connection' '37 | Move root to USB' 'Move the system root from the SD card to a USB device (SSD or stick)' '38 | Use ZRAM' 'Use compressed RAM/disk sync for active directories to avoid SD card corruption' '   | Uninstall ZRAM' 'Don'\''t use compressed memory (back to standard Raspberry Pi OS filesystem layout)' '39 | Setup Exim Mail Relay' 'Install Exim4 to relay mails via public email provider' '3A | Setup tailscale VPN' 'Establish or join a WireGuard based VPN using the tailscale service (BETA)' '   | Remove tailscale VPN' 'Remove the tailscale service' '   | Install WireGuard' 'Setup WireGuard to enable secure remote access to this openHABian system (BETA)' '   | Remove WireGuard VPN' 'Remove WireGuard VPN from this system'
+ choice2='35 | Serial port'
+ '[' 0 -eq 1 ']'
+ '[' 1 -eq 255 ']'
+ wait_for_apt_to_finish_update
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -n '2020-12-10_03:08:17_CET [openHABian] Updating Linux package information... '
2020-12-10_03:08:17_CET [openHABian] Updating Linux package information... + [[ -z 12212 ]]
+ tail --pid=12212 -f /dev/null
+ echo OK
+ case "$choice2" in
+ prepare_serial_port
+ is_pi
+ is_pifour
+ [[ '' == \p\i\4 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]11[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmfour
+ [[ '' == \c\m\4 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]14[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pi400
+ [[ '' == \p\i\4\0\0 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]13[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmthreeplus
+ [[ '' == \c\m\3\+ ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]10[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmthree
+ [[ '' == \c\m\3 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[aA][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pithree
+ [[ '' == \p\i\3 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]08[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pitwo
+ [[ '' == \p\i\2 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]04[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pione
+ [[ '' == \p\i\1 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*00[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[0-36][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmone
+ [[ '' == \c\m\1 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]06[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pizerow
+ [[ '' == \p\i\0\w ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[cC][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pizero
+ [[ '' == \p\i\0 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]09[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ '[' 0 -ne 0 ']'
+ true
+ show_main_menu
+ local choice
+ local version
+++ get_git_revision
+++ local branch
+++ local latestTag
+++ local revCount
+++ local shorthash
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+++ branch=stable
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian describe --tags --abbrev=0
+++ latestTag=v1.6.1
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --oneline
++++ wc -l
+++ revCount=963
++++ git -C /opt/openhabian log --pretty=format:%h -n 1
+++ shorthash=1fa8959
+++ echo '[stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)'
++ whiptail --title 'Welcome to the openHABian Configuration Tool [stable]v1.6.1-963(1fa8959)' --menu 'Setup Options' 18 116 11 --cancel-button Exit --ok-button Execute '00 | About openHABian' 'Information about the openHABian project and this tool' '' '' '01 | Select Branch' 'Select the openHABian config tool version ("branch") to run' '02 | Upgrade System' 'Upgrade all installed software packages (incl. openHAB) to their latest version' '03 | openHAB Stable' 'Install or upgrade to the latest stable release of openHAB 2' '' '' '10 | Apply Improvements' 'Apply the latest improvements to the basic openHABian setup ►' '20 | Optional Components' 'Choose from a set of optional software components ►' '30 | System Settings' 'A range of system and hardware related configuration steps ►' '40 | openHAB related' 'Switch the installed openHAB version or apply tweaks ►' '50 | Backup/Restore' 'Manage backups and restore your system ►'
+ choice=
+ RET=1
+ '[' 1 -eq 1 ']'
+ return 255
+ system_check_default_password
+ is_pi
+ is_pifour
+ [[ '' == \p\i\4 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]11[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmfour
+ [[ '' == \c\m\4 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]14[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pi400
+ [[ '' == \p\i\4\0\0 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]13[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmthreeplus
+ [[ '' == \c\m\3\+ ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]10[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmthree
+ [[ '' == \c\m\3 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[aA][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pithree
+ [[ '' == \p\i\3 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]08[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pitwo
+ [[ '' == \p\i\2 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]04[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pione
+ [[ '' == \p\i\1 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*00[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[0-36][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_cmone
+ [[ '' == \c\m\1 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]06[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pizerow
+ [[ '' == \p\i\0\w ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[cC][0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ is_pizero
+ [[ '' == \p\i\0 ]]
+ grep -q '^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]09[0-9a-fA-F]$' /proc/cpuinfo
+ return 1
+ return 1
+ return 0
++ timestamp
++ date +%F_%T_%Z
+ echo -e '2020-12-10_03:08:20_CET [openHABian] We hope you got what you came for! See you again soon ;)'
2020-12-10_03:08:20_CET [openHABian] We hope you got what you came for! See you again soon ;)
+ cd /etc
[03:08:20] openhabian@openhab:/etc$

yes that’s now right. Except that you didn’t show the part what happens when you select menu 35.

Either way read my last post. You should not need to disable BT.
I changed the window messages to reflect that functional change in openHABian.

no, I did hit menu 35 but it just brings me back to the main screen of the config tool with no other messages or anything. I’m just looking to be able to use the hat if it doesn’t disable Bluetooth all the better but I couldn’t get the hat to connect until I did the whole offline install of the older openhabian and disabled it

you need to change the kernel to make BT use the mini-UART (=free the fullsize UART for use by HAT)
dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt in /boot/config.txt

I’m trying this on another raspberry pi running openhab 3 what should the port be for the zwave hat? the Bluetooth seems to be working but the zwave hat isn’t.


You also need to disable the console for this to work (option 1 in menu 35)
Check it has enable_uart=1 in /boot/config.txt after that
Eventually also set core_freq=250 then reboot

Again menu 35 doesn’t work on both setups for me. I tried adding both of those to boot/config.txt to the second instance of openhab I have running and the zwave hat is still not connecting. So
I’m just gonna stick with the offline install of the older openhabian and disable Bluetooth with the menu 35 that’s assessable if I ever need to do a fresh install again.