I would like to ask for help, because I am unable to plot a graph from my sensors.
I use arduino which sends temperature, humidity and air pressure using MQTT. This is working and values are shown.
Items file:
Group Sklep (All)
Group Telocvicna (All)
Group Temp_chart
Number Temp_telocvicna "Tělocvična Teplota [%.1f]" <Temperature> (Sklep,Telocvicna,Temp_chart) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:/Temp/:state:default]"}
Number Hum_telocvicna "Tělocvična Rel. vlhkost [%.1f]" <Humidity> (Sklep,Telocvicna) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:/Humidity/:state:default]"}
Number Pressure "Tlak vzduchu [%.1f hPa]" <Pressure> (Sklep) {mqtt="<[mosquitto:/Pressure/:state:default]"}
Sitemap file:
sitemap home label="HT SmartHome" {
Frame label="Tělocvična"
Text item=Temp_telocvicna label="Teplota [%.1f °C]"
Text item=Hum_telocvicna label="Vlhkost [%.1f %%]"
Text item=Pressure label="Tlak vzduchu [%.1f hPa]"
Chart item=Temp_chart period=D refresh=3000
rrd4j.cfg file:
# please note that currently the first archive in each RRD defines the consolidation
# function (e.g. AVERAGE) used by OpenHAB, thus only one consolidation function is
# fully supported
# default_numeric and default_other are internally defined defnames and are used as
# defaults when no other defname applies
#<defname>.items=<list of items for this defname>
Frankly I do not know what I am doing wrong, but result is like this:
- I have got readings, but graph is empty.
rrd4j is set up as persistence service using Paper UI (configuration>system>persistence)
addon.cfg edited: persistence = rrd4j
I tried to delete rrd file when I tested changes, without luck.
rrd file:
Could you help me, please.
Thank you.