Unable to remove zombie nodes from z-wave controller

Hi guys,

I have read about that zombie nodes can slow down the zwave network. That’s why I want to remove those nodes from my zwave controller. I have installed Simplicity STudio v5. In the zwave contoller tool I can see the zombie nodes. But if I try to set them as failed the log always shows, that this operation is not successful. I want to remove the nodes with id 4, 6, 8 and 10. Same behaviour for all of these.


The zwave network is setup on a Pi4 with OH 3.4 installed. I am using Aeontec Z-Stick Gen5+. For removing the zombie nodes I use my PC with win10 installed.

Any ideas why setting a node as failed is not working?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Zombie battery nodes will not slow down the network as they do not listen and relay messages. That said, this should work. are you following this guideline?

Z-Wave Zombies.pdf (571.9 KB)

Yes I did follow the guide. There the error messages appear. A zombie node cannot be set as failed in my case. View of them left after testing. They were non battery devices.


They looked like battery devices not listening, sorry. What could be is that these were earlier creations of a device still in the network. You could try to remove the power from the latest version and try again.

Yep that was the reason. I’ve removed the duplicate form the controller. Then also removing the zombie nodes is working.

Thanks for the hint!


Great! Going forward, use the “remove devices” from the controller UI page. You get 30 seconds to press the required button sequence on the device. That will get it off the controller and unpair in one step.