November 2, 2020, 12:59pm
this topic pops up every seconds month, e.g.
Yeah, just verified, I’m on 5.12.35, so that’s the same. If i remember correctly, the main forum thread for the unifi binding had some discussion about this issue but it seemed specific to apple products. Might be worth checking there:
Saturday evening I upgraded UniFi Controller from 5.10.24 to 5.12.35. Since then my two items linked to the Online channel of two different UniFi Wireless Client things haven’t been updated - they have been ON ever since.
Problem is related to the upgrade, but I don’t know if:
Ubiquiti introduced a bug in this new version.
Something went wrong when upgrading the Docker container with the Controller.
Something being corrupted in my openHAB installation because of the upgrade.
Or if there …
I’ve gone Seaside-described custom code leveraging getLastSeen, but after some trials managed to get built-in functionality working very reliably. Here is my config as a sample:
.things file
Bridge unifi:controller:home "Home UniFi Controller" [ host="192.168.x.y", port=8443, username="xxxxxx", password="yyyyyy", refresh=10 ] {
Thing wirelessClient myPhone "My Cellphone" [ cid="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", site="home", considerHome=60 ]
.items file
Group gPeople_Presence <presence>
Switch Prese…
and the conclusion until now was that it is unifi fault and we have no way to detect the status correctly.
but now, if you say, openhab restart solves the issue, then potentially it could openhab binding issue