running openhab 2.5.3, same in 2.5.4-snapshot, item not in any of the databases.
(can’t upload attachment for network file as a new user)
relevant openhab.log message:
020-04-17 13:36:49.734 [WARN ] [wave.discovery.ZWaveDiscoveryService] - NODE 3: Device discovery could not resolve to a thingType! 0039:5052:3038::5.23
zwave binding 2.5.3
installed via paperui
running on OH 2.5.3 installed via source/commandline on linux debian/mint
(was trying to upload the zwave network file created for the node to this forum, but as a new user i cannot yet)
i’m also trying to add a ESH-INF/thing/honeywell/39337_0_0.xml file to the org.openhab.binding.zwave-2.5.3.jar but clearly failing to get that file updated correctly:
Failed to update bundle: /opt/openzwave/2.5.3/addons/org.openhab.binding.zwave-2.5.3.jar with ID 250. The bundle has been uninstalled
from that table:
Honeywell 39342 / Jasco ZW4106 Plug-In Smart Switch (Dual Linked Outlets, Grounded)
what i have is the single outlet version of this, which is a 39337, unlisted.
So definitely not supported yet, just hoping it’s a simple modification of the other.
Definitely matches the enclosure, description, specs.
I do have the xml for that in my jar.
The network file shows
but the paperui shows:…
zwave_deviceid 12344
zwave_devicetype 20562
zwave_frequent false
zwave_listening true
zwave_manufacturer 57
which matches the id/type (but not manufacturer?) from here:
as for the tweaked jar,
2020-04-17 14:27:17.410 [WARN ] [org.apache.felix.fileinstall ] - Error while starting bundle: file:/opt/openzwave/2.5.3/addons/org.openhab.binding.zwave-2.5.3.jar
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.zwave [290]
Unresolved requirement: Import-Package:
with the file there, even with “access remote repo” disabled, it still pulls the remote binding jar (based on file and hash inspection)
to add what i hoped was an additional honeywell xml file to the jar and install that one instead.
finally have succeeded by installing another binding (plugwise) that provides the missing serial binding,
still not capturing the honeywell switch, though at least my zwave binding supported list shows my:
“39337 / Jasco ZW4103 Plug-In Smart Switch (Single Outlet, Grounded)”