Unsure about installation procedures for Windows

That鈥檚 the spirit :slight_smile:

It鈥檚 not that hard. The first time will give you some small headache, but it will get easier with time :slight_smile:


  1. Documenting openHAB 2
  2. Documenting openHAB 2 - #153 by Dim

Ask in that thread anything you need on how to modify/edit/etc any part of Introduction | openHAB

Quick & Dirty:
0) Create a github account (if you don鈥檛 have one)

  1. Open an Issue on the proper github section describing the problem
  2. Edit the relevant page (it will create a fork in your github)
  3. Create a Pull Request to submit your improvement and mention that it closes the issue that you created on step 1 above

If it鈥檚 main website content:

  1. Issues 路 openhab/website 路 GitHub
  2. website/.vuepress/components/InstallInstructions.vue at main 路 openhab/website 路 GitHub

If it鈥檚 generic content:

  1. Issues 路 openhab/openhab-docs 路 GitHub
  2. openhab-docs/installation/windows.md at main 路 openhab/openhab-docs 路 GitHub

If it鈥檚 binding specific docs entry:
1a) Issues 路 openhab/openhab1-addons 路 GitHub
1b) Pull requests 路 openhab/openhab2-addons 路 GitHub

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