UP DOWN Controls without STOP

Hey erverybody,
I use a fibaro smart implant for controlling my garage door. smart implant has tow outputs, which means I have only one wire for up and one for down. My idea was to use the rollershutter controls in my sitemap. So my first question is: Is there a way to hide or remove the stop button?
Another idea was to use setpoint controls.
My second question is: Can setpoint be used among with rollershutter items?

Thank you!



I think you could use a Switch widget in your sitemap instead with mappings for up and down, but the rollershutter widget can’t be modified I believe. What do you mean with using a setpoint? How would you use it? It’s probably possible by using rules. I guess you already have some rules to convert UP and DOWN commands to ON/OFF for the two switches in the implant, which could be extended. How is everything configured now? (Relevant Items, rules, sitemap etc)


I also tried it. But in BasicUI the button will remain pressed until a full page reload:

Switch SWI01 "Garage" {autoupdate="false"}
Switch item=SWI01 mappings=[ON="▲", OFF="▼"] icon="garagedoor"

Do you mean to just use the buttons in the setpoint widget for UP/DOWN? In that case I think it would be difficult without some unnecessarily complex rules.

Do you have only one item? You said you used the two switches in the implant, one for up and one for down? Is it just ON for up and OFF for down (or vice versa)?

Can you provide some more details of how it works right now?

You’re right, there’s also a rule which controls the smart implant:

rule "SWI01"
        Item SWI01 received command
        switch receivedCommand {
                case ON: SMI01_Switch01.sendCommand(ON)
                case OFF: SMI01_Switch02.sendCommand(ON)

Ok, now I understand better. So if I understand correctly, what you want is just to make it look better on your sitemap? Unfortunately, basicui doesn’t allow this kind of adjustments, the widgets are what they are. You would have to use habpanel if you want to micro manage things like that…

With your rule however, what would happen if you first press ON and then OFF? Then both switches would be on at the same time, what happens to the door then? A better approach IMHO would be to change SWI01 to a rollershutter item and then use a rule like:

rule "SWI01"
        Item SWI01 received command
        switch receivedCommand {
                case UP: {
                case DOWN: {
                case STOP: {       

That way you could actually use the stop button as well. (Unless I completely misunderstood how it’s wired)

The garage door control receives a 500ms impulse. after that the switch automatically sets back to off.

Ah, in that case your solution is probably the best. But with the sitemap you either have to live with the options, or use habpanel to make a custom widget.