Hello everyone,
I am running OpenHab 3.0.1 under Windows. I have trouble with one binding, so I wanted to update to 3.0.2 to try to solve my problem.
The update script does not work: the poweshell window closes without interaction.
I looked inside the update.ps1, and I printed the $DownloadLocation
. I noticed that the script was using the following not-existing ULR: [https://bintray.com/openhab/mvn/download_file?file_path=org%2Fopenhab%2Fdistro%2Fopenhab%2F3.0.2%2Fopenhab-3.0.2.zip]
I overruled the URL in the script by adding the following line $DownloadLocation=https://openhab.jfrog.io/artifactory/libs-release-local/org/openhab/distro/openhab/3.0.2/openhab-3.0.2.zip
and then the update worked.
Just as info, maybe the url in the script needs to be fixed?