Updated Custom Ephemeris file required openHAB restart to be effectivein

I recently created a custom ephemeris file to use to select the scheme for my outdoor lights to show my school colors on game days, which I entered in the custom file. It was surprisingly easy to create the file with a little help from ChatGPT. (I can generally tell what an XLM file is trying to do, but find I make simple errors when I try to create one in a text file).

I also added the Ephemeris add-on. The Custom File Thing came online when given the file name in the /etc/openhab/misc/ephemeris folder.

I then made some changes to the custom file. The Items linked to the channels in the Thing did not change to reflect the changes in custom file.

I tried disabling and enabling the Thing. No change.

I tried restarting both the ephemeris bundles (binding and core). No change.

I thought maybe it would update at the start of each day, so I waited over night. No change.

I restarted openHAB (systemctl restart openhab). The Items were updated to reflect the changes in the custom file.

I read through the documentation I could find and didn’t find where this is addressed.

My assumption at this point is that the custom file is read when openHAB starts and since it won’t normally change, it is not checked again.

I’m OK with this, but if there is a way to get it to update without a restart, I would like to know.

Renaming still works, I tested it on 4.3.0.M4, but I am not sure it will help much in your usecase:

I have pushed a PR so a new configuration option will allow bypassing the file caching. Interesting during development/debugging sessions. [ephemeris] by clinique · Pull Request #4491 · openhab/openhab-core · GitHub

Thanks. I look forward to trying it out.

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