Updated from 2.5.0 M6 testing to 2.5.0 stable via apt repo : `/opt/openhab2/addons`" not existing


I’ve updated from 2.5.0 M6 testing to 2.5.0 stable and I have got complains about " /opt/openhab2/addons" not existing.

Seems to be normal accordingly to the documentation as for the repository installation the folder for addons is /usr/share/openhab2/addons ?

but it may explain other bugs I encounter with addons ?



Try restarting openHAB. I upgraded my main system from M5 to stable last night. On the first start, ephemeris complained and my config files did not load correctly. Restarting openHAB resolved those issues.

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Thank you, restarting a couple of times made the error message disappear.

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Check the output of:

openhab-cli info

$OPENHAB_HOME should be /usr/share/openhab2