Updated openhab to newest version -> Unrecognized request for /accessories

I´ve updated openhab2 via openhabian-config getting this warning now every 20 seconds

2020-09-15 22:38:54.581 [WARN ] [.server.impl.connections.HttpSession] - Unrecognized request for /accessories

any suggestions?

do you use homekit / apple home app?

yes but cleared pairings and set smarthome:homekit allowUnauthenticated true via karaf

from the source code i cannot see how that could happen. actually, if allowUnauthenticated is true it should handle any requests without complain.

try to remove home from home.app and if you have ipad or apple tv disconnect them from the homekit home.

could it have sth. to do with the openhab cloud?

no. i dont think so. the error message is from homekit binding.

i checked the source code and the only option it could only happen if

  1. unpair device think it is still paired with openhab
  2. it sends /accessories request to get latest accessories list
  3. but openhab does not recognize this device (due clearPairings)
  4. AND allowUnauthenticated=false

i would first try to remove home from iphone/ipad/etc. restart iphone and try to add the openHAB bridge again

removed bridge from HK
restarted Ipad
saved HK-configuration again
allowUnauthenticated true

same warning without hk paired

so, you have no homes on ipad (and other iOS devices, like apple tv) and you still get these error messages?

please enable more log. maybe we will get the IP address of the device that keep querying the accessories.
to enable more logging in the console

log:set TRACE org.openhab.io.homekit
log:set TRACE io.github.hapjava

pay attention to IP address in the log file and check which device in your network has this IP.
try also with - this would force the PIN check on pairing.

allowUnauthenticated false

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2020-09-17 00:19:42.575 [TRACE] [rver.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New HomeKit connection from /

2020-09-17 00:19:42.575 [TRACE] [server.impl.http.impl.LoggingHandler] - READ PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 139, cap: 1024) [/]:


2020-09-17 00:19:42.578 [WARN ] [.server.impl.connections.HttpSession] - Unrecognized request for /accessories

2020-09-17 00:19:42.580 [TRACE] [er.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 404 /accessories

2020-09-17 00:19:42.582 [TRACE] [server.impl.http.impl.LoggingHandler] - WRITE PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 69, cap: 256) [/]:


2020-09-17 00:19:42.599 [TRACE] [rver.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated HomeKit connection from /

2020-09-17 00:20:12.547 [TRACE] [rver.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New HomeKit connection from /

2020-09-17 00:20:12.548 [TRACE] [server.impl.http.impl.LoggingHandler] - READ PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 139, cap: 1024) [/]:


2020-09-17 00:20:12.550 [WARN ] [.server.impl.connections.HttpSession] - Unrecognized request for /accessories

2020-09-17 00:20:12.551 [TRACE] [er.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 404 /accessories

2020-09-17 00:20:12.553 [TRACE] [server.impl.http.impl.LoggingHandler] - WRITE PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 69, cap: 256) [/]:


2020-09-17 00:20:12.556 [TRACE] [rver.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated HomeKit connection from /

In Paper UI > Configuration > Services > Homekit there is a field “Network Interface” in which I added the IP address of my openhab server.

No errors anymore :slight_smile:
Thank you @yfre for helping out

2020-09-17 00:33:42.894 [TRACE] [er.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 200 /accessories

2020-09-17 00:33:42.898 [TRACE] [server.impl.http.impl.LoggingHandler] - WRITE PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 36919, cap: 65536) [/]:
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@yfre i have the same issue on one of my hosts. is openhab host…

2022-09-15 20:30:22.515 [TRACE] [rver.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - New HomeKit connection from /
2022-09-15 20:30:22.517 [TRACE] [server.impl.http.impl.LoggingHandler] - READ PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 139, cap: 2048) [/]:

2022-09-15 20:30:22.522 [WARN ] [.server.impl.connections.HttpSession] - Unrecognized request for /accessories
2022-09-15 20:30:22.524 [TRACE] [er.impl.http.HomekitClientConnection] - 404 /accessories
2022-09-15 20:30:22.528 [TRACE] [server.impl.http.impl.LoggingHandler] - WRITE PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 69, cap: 256) [/]:

2022-09-15 20:30:22.534 [TRACE] [rver.impl.http.impl.AccessoryHandler] - Terminated HomeKit connection from /

hm ?

please check that IP address is configured correctly for homekit binding. you can do it in via openhab UI → homekit binding.

if ip address correcty, please restart binding (or openhab) and check log files for any error during the restart.

i assume, you have a least one openhab item marked as homekit accessory (via metadata → homekit)

removing and clearpairings did the job. thank you

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