Updgrade 2.4 to 2.5 on Windows 10 machine

I finally have updated using the “.bat” file, from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0. The ps1 Power Shell command doesn’t work, I don’t know why, it simply doesn’t do anything (afer changing the script execution privileges).
The bat works perfectly.
The only thing that I have noticed, is that I have to “edit - save” all things and items to force an “reload?” from OpenHAB, because they doesn’t works until that.

Thanks to all.

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I just upgraded my main Debian system from M5 to stable. I noticed ephemeris complaining and Item load issues. Restarting OH seemed to resolve the issues.

If the advice in this thread did not help you, you have a different problem with similar symptoms. Please start a new thread to minimize confusion for the volunteers here.