Upgrade node.js to version 20

I have a rpi4 with OH 4.3 installed. I’m trying to get zigbee2mqtt to work. But the service doesn’t start properly (error while starting zigbee-herdsman). Reading the guide, they recommend updating node.js to version 20 (currently 18.19.0). Reading the forum I read that it doesn’t interfere with OH with the exception of openhab-cloud and habpanel, both of which I use. Can I upgrade without running into problems? Sorry for my question, but I’m a linux beginner. Thanks for reply

zigbee2mqtt runs fine with v18. No need to upgrade because of that.
Upgrading node is not big fun, my recommendation would be to keep the installed versions of openhabian (to avoid other side effects).
Your zigbee-herdsman problem must be something different. Usually your stick is not detected properly. So:

  • which stick do you have?
  • did you install z2m via openhabian?
  • what do you see under /dev/serial/by-id?

You can try deleting zigbee2mqtt with openhabian and reinstall and tell me what you see. I rechecked the installation yesterday and everything worked fine.

I use the sonoff zb-dongle-E dongle with NCP 7.4.3 firmware. I installed z2m from openhabian and inserted the ID in configuration.yaml instead of using ttyUSB0. I also inserted the adapter: ember line in configuration.yaml. I deleted and reinstalled zigbbe2mqtt, always from openhabian-config. But the service does not start correctly. error start zigbee-herdsman

which id? please show me the line of your config.

Usually there’s no need to edit configuration.yaml for this. That’s just what the setup does

  port: 8081
homeassistant: false
permit_join: true
  base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
  server: mqtt://xxxxxxx:1883
  user: xxxx
  password: xxxx
  port: >-
adapter: ember
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
    - xxx
  pan_id: 8106
  log_level: debug
  channel: 25
  output: attribute_and_json
  log_directory: /var/log/zigbee2mqtt/%TIMESTAMP%al
  homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes: false
  legacy_api: false
  legacy_availability_payload: false
  legacy: false

I add…I have two identical sticks but different firmware, and with both I have the same error.
I also updated the permissions

usually it is:

port: /dev/serial/by-id/...

done!..but it doesn’t start. It seems that it doesn’t see the stick. But this also happens with the other one. In the meantime I tried an installation on a windows pc. Same problem with both dongles. So the problem is in the dongle? even if it seems impossible to me. They are both new. Removed from the box and connected. Then I thought about the firmware, updated but nothing

[2024-12-29 10:07:03] error:    z2m: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
[2024-12-29 10:07:03] error:    z2m: Failed to start zigbee
[2024-12-29 10:07:03] error:    z2m: Check https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/installation/20_zigbee2mqtt-fails-to-start.html for possible solutions
[2024-12-29 10:07:03] error:    z2m: Exiting...
[2024-12-29 10:07:03] error:    z2m: Error: Failed to connect to the adapter (Error: SRSP - SYS - ping after 6000ms)

This is my working zigbee2mqtt configuration file coordinator section, using the same dongle:

  port: >-
  adapter: ember

(On a non openhabian install, and with node version v20.18.0)

It might be a copy paste error into the forum, but shouldn’t the adapter be under serial in your configuration file?

You haven’t previously tried to install and configure the native openHAB Zigbee binding?

you are my best friend!!! after a week of going crazy now the service start! the adapter line should have been put before. thank you so much