Use bluetooth speaker bulbs

  • Platform information:
    Hardware: RasPi3b+/32GB
    Os : Linux 4.19.66-v7+
    openHAB version: openHabain 2.5.4-1

I try to control 2 bluetooth speaker bulbs (Sengle pulse solo).

  1. I started by reading this acticles :
  1. I decided work with bluez so I buy this dongle (which is compatible with the bluetooth version of my bulb)
  2. I install bluez V5.47
    bluetooth status
  3. I find the UUID of my dongle by using “hciconfig”
    UUID dongle
  4. I’m able to find the UUID of my bulb by using “sudo hcitool lescan”
  5. I created a bridge in my .things file
  6. But I get this erreur
  7. I try to use this method but it does not solves my erreur
    [SOLVED] Error when Adding Bluetooth BlueZ Adapter: "BlueZ JNI connection cannot be established."

Someone has another idea?

What version of Bluez ?

Please note that at least BlueZ 5.43 is required, while 5.48 or above are not (yet) supported either.

I install the version 5.47

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