Use Garage Door Remote To Trigger Automations

I apologize if this has already been answered. I did some searching and couldn’t find a relevant example.

I have a car with a built-in garage door remote. (It is a Hyundai HomeLink if it matters.) I don’t have a garage door opener, and don’t have any intention of adding one. However, it would be cool to be able to use the remote to do things like turn on the porch light if I come home unexpectedly late. Is there a straightforward way to do this?

I use a zigbee door sensor to detect when the garage door closes. I also have a switch to indicate night/day. And a rule to open the light when needed

I have no idea if this would work, but it appears you can buy a garage door receiver without buying the entire opener. Something like this: If your car can connect with it, then you’d get a normally open contact to do whatever you want. I’ve never tried it - just an idea.

Assuming you are talking about the Hyundai feature described here.

This is a 29 dollar amazon solution. That actually claims homelink compatible.

interfacing with OpenHab may be a bit more involved but depending on what you have in place for OpenHab protocols there are ways to do that as well.

@jswim788 's idea is inspired and probably the easiest approach you’ll find.

Before reading his suggestion, I would have gone down the path of a SDR and somehow picking out the rotating codes from the remote to the expiration of the neighbor’s remotes. Yuck.

Thanks for the suggestions. A dry contact was kind of what I was thinking. I assume I could just connect that to the gpio on a raspberry pi and read high/low or something like that. (I could be wrong. I haven’t done much of this stuff before. I mostly use Z-Wave.) What binding would I use to receive that into OpenHAB?

That’s kind of the whole point though. There is no “garage remote controller binding” in OH. @jswim788 's option would require an ESP or RPi with GPIO to wire to the device and some software to sense when the “button” is pressed and transmit that to OH.

@justaoldman’s approach has Homekit support so presumably you could use Homkit to integrate it with OH.

My idea is to use a software defined radio to receive the signals and transmit them to OH (probably via MQTT if I were implementing it).

But ultimately you need something that can receive the signal from the remote and convert and transmit that to something that OH can receive and understand.

There is no OH binding for GPIO that I’m aware of.
For handling that I suggest you look at Node Red to turn the contact closure into MQTT

Yes there is:

ratgdo might work for this. I don’t know if it will work without a real garage door opener but a quick peek shows support for MQTT.

There are Zwave dry contact sensors that you can use to get a switch input to OH via the Zwave binding: Door / Window Sensor 7 Pro (ZWA012) with dry contact sensors : Aeotec Help Desk