Use new jetty version in binding

We’re currently cleaning up a binding and fixing some bugs. Target branch is 5.0.0 exp. We have some problems with the existing implementation of Jetty based websockets.
I wonder if we could use a modern version of Jetty (e.g. 12). OH Dev Guidelines says, that you should use Jetty 9 whats delivered by default (but it’s totally outdated).
So the question is: is it okay to use a modern Jetty version for a new websocket implementation in a binding?

My understanding is Jetty comes with Karaf and Karaf is moving to a new version for OH 5. My understanding is it comes with a new version of Jetty among others things.

Outside of that, i would guess the maintainers don’t want a bunch of different insurance if the same service running for each binding.

You can track the progress and find specific versions in the GitHub issue and PRs that are open right now.

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I’m a little bit less optimistic for Jetty 12 in OH5, but we will see. For the time being we are stuck on 9. Hope you can add all user faced function, without too much trouble

Yes would be nice to get it updated. It’s tracked in this issue:

Topic was also discussed here.