Dear all,
i want to transform current Song-Title, Artist and Album from an autogenerated xml-file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<now_playing playing="1" timestamp="2016-10-28T12:59:41Z">
<song timestamp="2016-10-28T12:59:40Z">
<title>Salva Mea</title>
<album>Salva Mea</album>
i tried this with the following .items-file:
String 21_Title "Title [%s]" { http="<[[1]/title)]" }
String 21_Artist "Artist [%s]" { http="<[[1]/artist)]" }
String 21_Album "Artist [%s]" { http="<[[1]/album)]" }
but nothing happens (XPath Transformation are installed), not even an error in the log as i got when i tried to write a xslt-Transformation.
Unfortunately the XPath-Transformationof oH1 or oH2 isn’t documented everywhere - i found only this in the wiki:
Do anybody works with oH2, XML-Files und XPATH-Transformation and can give me a working example?