With the Velux KLF200, I get errors on login
2024-06-23 15:01:53.717 [WARN ] [g.velux.internal.bridge.slip.SClogin] - setResponse(): bridge connection successfully established but login failed.
2024-06-23 15:01:54.492 [INFO ] [x.internal.bridge.slip.io.Connection] - io() on Exception occurred during I/O: raised a non-recoverable error during connection setup: Connection refused: getsockopt.
The status of the thing Velux KLF200 Bridge is “online”
Slip mode, port 51200 (I tried 80 too)
As mentionned in other posts, I’ve used the WiFi password, not the web password.
But post are quite old, Has somebody successfully setup KLF200 recently in 2024 ? Any idea ?
I’ve configured the LAN, and put AP mode only for 10 min.
Welcome to openhab community.
If I remember correctly, you have to use the web password. Confusion came up as the binding‘s docs say, you need to use password „velux123“
I had to setup the Velux bridge on a new server and faced the same issue.
My mistake was a little typo in the WiFi password, mixed a “q” with a “g”.
After correcting the typo, disabled the thing, restarted the KLF200, waited 10 minutes and reenabled the thing, bridge came online without any errors and devices can be controlled like before.