Vera/MIOS bindings for beginner

Hi all,
I just discovered OpenHab, and was trying to connect it to my Vera Lite. I was hoping to configure everything from the UX, and I’m not sure if this is possible.
First, I started OpenHab 2 with Paper UI, and installed the MIOS Binding from the UI. However, I don’t see my Binding in the User Interface.
Then I looked at this tutorial
I edited the mios.cfg and added config.
Then it says to edit openhab.cfg, but this file doesn’t exist so I added the config to org.openhab.addons.cfg. Is it where it’s supposed to go?
I see lot of transforms were already installed automatically in the transform directory, so I skipped this step.
At this point, I still don’t see my MIOS binding in the UI. How should I do to see my MIOS binding and then be able to add items.
Sorry for all the questions.

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Listening, I have the same problem


If you installed it via the PaperUI, it will be there. It won’t show in the list (under Configuration > Bindings) but it likely is installed. Not sure why is doesn’t appear in the UI.

Under openHAB 2.x, if it’s in the mios.cfg file, then this should look like:

…or whatever your IP address is for Vera. You can also use DNS names here if you have a Local DNS system.

The house. part of this name should match what was used when you ran the MiOS openHAB Item file Generator.

That’s openHAB 1.x, it’s not needed for openHAB 2.x

Yup, I used openHAB 2.x functionality to make that part automatic. It’s only needed for openHAB 1.x.

At this point you need to put your (generated) MiOS Items file content into the correct spot.

My system is Linux, via apt-get, so these go into this location in my system:


If you’re running something different, then place them into the location that’s appropriate for your distro.

Once you reach this point, openHAB will know about the various components on your Vera Unit. These will show up in Paper UI, under the menu Configuration > Items

They’ll also show up in HABPanel, and can be attached to Buttons (etc)

I still use the older UI format, and I built that by hand under openHAB 1.x. I rarely use the UI, as my system is mostly rules-based, so haven’t spent too much time in that area

Hi Mark,
Thanks a lot for your answer. I followed all these steps one by one and was able to get my Vera devices, scenes, sensors, etc. in items.
I need to start to connect all these items together now:)

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hello. i’m configuring a xubunto Openhab server and binding to vera and I get lost here!. where are the generated items to put on /etc/openhab2/items folder?
thank you in advance. it was been a good fight against linux and openHab for a few days that isn’t my domain :stuck_out_tongue:

Check out the first post in this series.

It contains the link to the MiOS Binding v1’s doc. In there are links on how to use, and also how to run the MiOS Item Generator tool that’ll build an Items file for you based upon whatever’s inside your Vera.

The Binding itself is an openHAB V1.x Binding, so it needs to be run under the openHAB v2.x compatibility layer. It also generates just the Items file, so any UI will need to be either hand-crafted, or built with the more modern UI’s like HABPanel

Hope someone can help me out with some basic instructions on how to bind my VERA to openHAB. My openHAB is running from a Windows 10 operating system. I am able to connect to openHAB and install the binding for MIOS but that is it. I edited the mios.cfg file with correct ip number to my VERA but I am stuck with the procedure where I need to use the MiOS Item Generator. First I needed to get bash in order to run the .sh files in Windows CMD. First error is in the where the port number is incorrect. I edited the file with port number 3480 but still I receive the error that the ip is incorrect. So I skipped this step and downloaded the .xml file by command http://MIOS_IP:3480/data_request?id=user_data&output_format=xml but I am unable to use this XML through an XSLT Processor. Is there any step-by-step instruction for using the Mios Item Generator in Windows? Before I go any further, is this even possible to create using windows platform or do I need to use Linux?

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Did you get this figured out? I noticed that the Item generator is for linux does this work on windows? I should say I am a noob here! Any help would be welcome. It says bash should be installed but am unable to find out where or what that is?
I have a Vera Plus that I am trying to Bind to OpenHab2.

No, I gave up the idea of integrating my Vera Plus with OpenHab. It simply doesn’t work for my setup.

I had to use a VM but got it to work. Once you output the file you can run it on your windows openhab system. Not sure if you are still interested but I did get it to work myself.

I had the mios binding working and after upgrading to the latest snapshot it no longer works. How can I get logs for the mios binding? I don’t see anything in openhab.log or events.log. The items are loaded because they appear in Imperihome(I’m using Imperihome binding as well) but do not trigger Vera devices or receive updates.

Can you confirm you still have the mios.cfg file with the correct ip address? I would also check if the maps are present. Do you see the items in paperui > Configuration > Items?

Looks like it was caused by ItemRegistry not being available. It was a bug introduced a few days and fixed here: I downgraded to an older snapshot and everything is working again.

The MIOS binding was in “Waiting” status in the karaf console because it did not have access to ItemRegistry.