Visual Studio code error for "openHAB Language Server": "getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND openhabianpi"

I think I read all the documentation I can find, but I’m still encountering an error. Let’s start with setting the scene: I’ve made some changes to settings.json:

    "openhab.connection.basicAuth.password": "myAPItoken, which I didn't include here",
    "": "",
    "openhab.connection.port": 8080

Setting to finally made openHAB extension work. Figuring this out took me some time. :slight_smile:

But now the openHAB Language Server still trips over openhabianpi, which I don’t really understand. Where does it get that from…? This is the error:

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND openhabianpi
    at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (node:dns:108:26) {
  errno: -3008,
  code: 'ENOTFOUND',
  syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
  hostname: 'openhabianpi'

I searched package.json, found here ( for openhabianpi, and only found it under So I tried adding it to settings.json:

    "openhab.connection.basicAuth.password": "myAPItoken, which I didn't include here",
    "": "",
    "": "",
    "openhab.connection.port": 8080

But then Visual Studio compains about “deprecated config values”:

My initial reaction was “so what”, but then it turns out, the openHAB Language Server is no longer in the dropdown menu (which I assume means it’s not being loaded):

The actual problem
In order to escape any ‘XY problem’, this is what I want: I want to write rules in Visual Studio (on my Windows 11 pc) directly to M:\, which is \\\openHAB-conf. From my understanding, that’s how it should be setup? ( is a Linux pc, and I installed via apt, so no Openhabian, if that matters.)

But without openHAB Language Server (I at least assume that’s the missing piece), there’s no visualisation of the code (for example: “rules.JSRULe” is not in colors, as I would expect it):

(I also don’t understand what’s supposed to be wrong with line 1, but that’s another matter (or is it because openHAB Language Server isn’t loaded?):



I’ve had a similar problem for a long while.

This is my configuration:

    "": "XX.XX.XX.XX",
    "openhab.connection.port": 8080,
    "openhab.consoleCommand": "ssh openhab@%openhabhost% -p 8101",
    "openhab.connection.authToken": "oh.VisualStudioC...............",

My openHAB runs on CentOS 8 on a Raspberry Pi, not openHABian.

Yet, I get the same error message you do on the console, but I can see the openHAB Language Server option in the dropdown menu.

Although, I’m not sure if your problem with the rules is because only DSL is supported:

My configuration is also not openHABian. And it’s either the error, or not having the language server in the drop down, apparently.

But maybe someone has a solution? :wink:

I don’t have a solution but the exact same problem :wink:


  • openHABian on a RPI 4
  • openHAB 4.1.1
  • VSCode running on Windows11

VS Code or Visual Studio ? Thi makes a great difference….


I use Visual Studio Code. What’s the difference?

Our addons have been written for VS Code and will not work properly with Visual Studio. This should be documented.

Good to know. I don’t remember if I ever used VS Code but everything used to work with Visual Studio.
Thanks for the info, @hmerk!

Now you are confusing me :wink:
VS Code = Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio is something completely different.

You’re right, I was confusing it :smiley: I’d forgotten the VS for .NET development. No, I USE Visual Studio Code. That’s where I face the issue.

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I’ve got exactly the same issue. Looks like the bug #327 you opened last year hasn’t been looked at - but then, the last actual commits date back more than a year to March 2023.

Whilst this is not fixed, you can work around by adding openhabianpi to your local hosts file so VS Code can resolve the network name.

If you run VS Code on Windows this means:

  • Open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host in an editor as Administrator
  • Add a new line “ openhabianpi” to the file and save it
  • Restart VS Code

Replace with the local IP of your openHAB machine and do not include the "

I don’t have the issue anymore… Maybe because I switched from Rules DSL to Javascript?