Hi Richard, I will try my best as I have no documentation on all the steps:
Overall what I did was:
1 - Connect the doorbell to my Wifi Network
2 - Activate Web Interface
3 - Setup Camera (password, FTP, events, etc.)
4 - Activate Telnet
5 - Mount the file to a read-only location
6 - Add a SSH command line to trigger a sound on my server
1 - To connect the camera to my network I tried two things
a. Activate WPS on my Linux Server (that was a pain in the …). With WPS I could connect any WPS device to my network
b. I am pretty sure this is the one that really worked. I Pressed and hold the ring button for about 10 seconds then the camera reset and activate a WiFi network (Something like Vivint + Mac address) I then connected and browse for http://192.168.(0/1).1 and did setup it to my WiFi network.
2 - To activate Web Interface
An important command/URL to know is this: http://camera_ip:port/cgi-bin/admin/getparam.cgi it will list all parameters to you. Based on this I found this parameter network_http_webaccess and changed it to 1.
To set a parameter use this URL http://ip_camera:port/cgi-bin/admin/setparam.cgi?network_http_webaccess=1 – Do not use quotes to set a parameter
3 - To setup the camera just play around, there is no easy way to explain but once you are on the web interface you can figure this out.
4 - To activate telnet
This is the command/URL I use to activate telnet (SSH is not an option)
Don’t try the other parameter URL, it will not work. Once it is completed just telnet ip_camera use same credentials you have setup on your camera.
5 to mount the file system (it was needed in order to allow me to change the play_sound file as the partition is read-only)
mount --bind /mnt/flash/play_sound /usr/bin/play_sound
Then edit the play_sound file from your new location (/mnt/flash/play_sound). As there is no way to save credentials on the cameras for the ssh connection (next step), I downloaded PUTTY for Linux using wget to use sshpass so the command line I addes is
sshpass -p ‘password’ ssh user@ip_server/host "aplay /path/bell.wav"
Keep in mind you need to run this mount every time your doorbell ring is turned off, one option is to add this to the fstab file to mount automatically during the boot.
One other thing to keep in mind is, if you are using Linux (Ubuntu for instance) to play the bell.wav file you need to ensure the user that is playing is the same one that is logged in on your computer and that the audio device is working for that user.
I am pretty sure this is what I did to have it working.