VSC openHAB Alignment Tool

I just released a patch update (v2.0.3) with fixes for the special comment tags. Should be available in the VSC Marketplace in a few minutes. Thank you for reporting.

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Hi Max,

Thanks for the quick fix. Just verified with 2.0.6 and #OHNG# is working perfectly :slight_smile:

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Hey guys,

just released version 2.0.8. In this version you find a new configuration option:


With this feature you can enable the formatting for sitemap and thing files as these are still under development.

Another feature i added is the formatting with spaces rather than tabs. For using this feature you have to enable the indentation with spaces in the vscode settings:

I hope you enjoy the new features and bug fixes.

Kind Regards,


Hey guys,

long time no hear but i made it to get the new Version 2.1. with a bunch of new features and fixes for the .items files to the vscode-marketplace.

If you have automatic updates enabled in VSC you’ll get the update automatically. You’ll see a new welcome screen which will inform you of the new features and fixes.

Would be great if you could share your experience and rate the app on the marketplace:

Thank you guys for all the feedback.


Every time I open VSC, the “What’s New in openHAB Alignment Tool” page opens. This only happens with this extension 

Is there an option to turn this off?

Version 2.1.5
VSC 1.55.2


Oh! It should only open once! Let me check that!

It is fixed in version 2.1.6 :slight_smile:


@Max_Bec Firt thanks for that great tool. I really love the channel column stype, but now i have a funny problem.

// #OHFS#ChannelColumn#OHFS#

    RB_OF_MotionSensor - Fibaro ZWave Bewegungsmelder im BĂŒro
Group                            RB_OF_MotionSensor                       "Bewegungsmelder"                                               <message_presence>        (gRB_Office)                                        ["MotionDetector"]
// Sensoren
Switch                           RB_OF_MotionSensor_Motion                "Bewegung"                                                      <message_presence>        (RB_OF_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryChange)           ["Status", "Presence"]            {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node4:alarm_motion",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%s", options="ON=Erkannt, OFF=Normal"]}
Number:Temperature               RB_OF_MotionSensor_Temperature           "Temperatur"                                                    <temp_inside>             (RB_OF_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryUpdate)           ["Measurement", "Temperature"]    {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node4:sensor_temperature",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%.1f °C"]}
Number                           RB_OF_MotionSensor_Luminance             "Helligkeit"                                                    <weather_light_meter>     (RB_OF_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryUpdate)           ["Measurement", "Light"]          {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node4:sensor_luminance",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%d lx"]}
// Wartung
Number                           RB_OF_MotionSensor_Battery               "Batterie Bewegungsmelder GĂ€ste WC"                             <measue_battery>          (RB_OF_MotionSensor)                                ["LowBattery"]                    {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node4:battery-level",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%d %%"]}

    RB_BA_MotionSensor - Aeon Labs Bewegungsmelder im Badezimmer
Group                 RB_BA_MotionSensor                "Bewegungsmelder"     <message_presence>        (gRB_Bathroom)                               ["MotionDetector"]
// Sensoren
Switch                RB_BA_MotionSensor_Motion         "Bewegung"            <message_presence>        (RB_BA_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryChange)    ["Status", "Presence"]            {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node5:alarm_motion",
                                                                                                                                                                                        stateDescription="" [pattern="%s", options="ON=Erkannt, OFF=Normal"]}
Number:Temperature    RB_BA_MotionSensor_Temperature    "Temperatur"          <temp_inside>             (RB_BA_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryUpdate)    ["Measurement", "Temperature"]    {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node5:sensor_temperature",
                                                                                                                                                                                        stateDescription="" [pattern="%.1f °C"]}
Number                RB_BA_MotionSensor_Humidity       "Luftfeuchtigkeit"    <weather_humidity_rel>    (RB_BA_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryUpdate)    ["Measurement", "Humidity"]       {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node5:sensor_relhumidity",
                                                                                                                                                                                        stateDescription="" [pattern="%d %%"]}
Number                RB_BA_MotionSensor_Luminance      "Helligkeit"          <weather_light_meter>     (RB_BA_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryUpdate)    ["Measurement", "Light"]          {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node5:sensor_luminance",
                                                                                                                                                                                        stateDescription="" [pattern="%d %%"]}

    RB_HC_MotionSensor - Fibaro ZWave Bewegungsmelder im Heizungskeller
Group                            RB_HC_MotionSensor                       "Bewegungsmelder"                                               <message_presence>        (gRB_HeatingCellar)                                 ["MotionDetector"]
// Sensoren
Switch                           RB_HC_MotionSensor_Motion                "Bewegung"                                                      <message_presence>        (RB_HC_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryChange)           ["Status", "Presence"]            {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node2:alarm_motion",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%s", options="ON=Erkannt, OFF=Normal"]}
Number:Temperature               RB_HC_MotionSensor_Temperature           "Temperatur"                                                    <temp_inside>             (RB_HC_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryUpdate)           ["Measurement", "Temperature"]    {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node2:sensor_temperature",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%.1f °C"]}
Number                           RB_HC_MotionSensor_Luminance             "Helligkeit"                                                    <weather_light_meter>     (RB_HC_MotionSensor, gCOL_PS_EveryUpdate)           ["Measurement", "Light"]          {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node2:sensor_luminance",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%d lx"]}
// Wartung
Number                           RB_HC_MotionSensor_Battery               "Batterie Bewegungsmelder Heizungskeller"                       <measue_battery>          (RB_HC_MotionSensor)                                ["LowBattery"]                    {channel="zwave:device:ca604c3ec1:node2:battery-level",
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stateDescription="" [pattern="%d %%"]}

As you can see i formatted three Motion sensors, but the middle sensor RB_BA_MotionSensor is not formated as the others.

Any idea why. I tried to change LF to CRLF for the whole file - Nothing; i deleted all additional spaces so that i have every thing in one line and then tried to format it - nothing. It changes the format if i user the format selection, but if if select the whole file - nothing