Thanks for testing it, good to hear that it works!
No, there is no specific reason that it isn’t added yet, it just waited for the first person to try it out.
I wasn’t aware of this procedure. As it used to be in the non-karaf version of the OH2-distribution, I thought it had somehow gotten lost along the way.
I’m happy to make a PR for this. Actually, at the same time, I’ve also noticed that the Astro and Networkhealth bindings seem to be missing. They both seem to work fine for me, so I’ll add PR’s for them as well.
I assume you’d like to see separate PR’s for each binding?
These are bindings for which there are already 2.x versions available, therefore they are not available by default anymore.
I still have to document it, but you can still add them by configuring it in the Extension Management section in Configuration->Services in the Paper UI, see here:
So what you’re saying, is that I should indeed download the latest OH2 release, and it won’t ‘automatically’ pick up changes in the repository from the currently installed OH2 version?
What I am saying is that it works with the latest build. There is no guarantee that you can use older distro snapshots to run latest addons and vice versa. Investigating problems that are due to such a mix are likely to be time consuming and not worth the effort.
hey guys, i know its old topic but im facing a problem in oh2 karaf version. i can find WakeOnLan binding from bindings and i can install it but i cant seem to find where can i configure it ?