Watch App display often blank

I am using V3.0.5.11 w/ Watch App. Unfortunately since a while the display remains blank. I then swipe to the settings page and back this sometimes helps to show something on the watch. In earlier times (OpenHAB 2.x) the communication worked much better (at least it felt that way). I use the Watch App as remote for the garage. These days I always pull the iPhone out of the pocket because the Watch is so unreliable. iPhone and watch did not change for years (W7, iPh 11Pro Max), always latest operating systems. OpenHAB 4.2.1 on RPi 4/8GB together with influx and grafana, load up to 1.5. Is there anything I can do ?

In my case, the screen sometimes flickers until I go to the settings screen and then back.
I use v3.0.6 from Test Flight (watchOS 11.0.1), but I think the production app behaved similarly.

I have a few switches, 3 group OR switches, where one is supposed to display the member items on click, although it doesn’t.

Can confirm the flickering every once in a while.

Same here. The Apple Watch app keeps flickering in a half second pace. It shows the contents, goes black and show contents again. This stops sometimes when enter8ng settings and going back.
Fitst I thought it has to do with the iconloading. After every load the display blanks shortly. I am not sure however.

May be you’re right with suspecting icon loading. I installed imagemagick, created a setup directory below the OpenHAB config and ran the following script on my OpenHAB raspi:

cd /etc/openhab/setup
rm -r openhab-webui
git clone
cd openhab-webui/bundles/org.openhab.ui.iconset.classic/src/main/resources/icons
mkdir output
for f in *.svg
	g=$(basename $f .svg)
#	echo $g
	convert -density 300 -size 8x8 $f -strip output/$g.png

This was to use icons on the OhEzTouch. Since then also the watch shows icons (which it did not before) and it seems to work in a bit more reliable way. The icons appear to be not transparent so they don’t look so good on a dark theme. May be you give this a try. The script creates png icons with low resolution. If you don’t want them anymore simply remove them from your icons folder.

Thanks for your suggestion. I think I will wait some time and hope the issue gets resolved.
At this moment I have the problem with the 3.0.7 and 3.0.8 versions the sitemap does not load at all. The developers have some work to do.